Iya's Pov

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*2 months later *

"Baby you have to wake up , you can't stay here anymore he needs you ".  "No I wanna stay here with you . Daddy he doesn't care about me . He's the reason why I'm here in the first place ." I said .

He chuckled "so danm stubborn just like your mother , believe it or not that's why I loved her so much ."  I laughed "how you and mom wasn't even together ". 

"That doesn't mean that I didn't love her Yaya " he said laced with attitude.  "Daddy if I go back all me and blues problems won't disappear they just gone get worse . He has a baby on the way and I don't wanna get in between what's important to him you know ".

"Girl I had a whole wife and I still took care of you no strings attached. So what I'm telling you is just because he has a baby doesn't mean your not a priority." I shrugged my shoulders knowing he was right . I just couldn't be with blue at the moment. He almost got me killed plus he has a child on the way . No Thank you .

"Daddy i don't think so , maybe me and blue aren't meant to be " I said .  "Well if you don't do it for him do it for your mom baby . " I completely forgot about her for these past 3 months I was so happy with my dad she barely crossed my mind . "Your right I have to go back ".

He chuckled. "I'm always right but let me tell you a secret. . You and blue will only last as long as he wants it to last . But also explore your options, Blue isn't the only man in your path baby . " he took his finger pointing at me ."But god made someone just for you , and when he puts two people together even the universe can't separate them " .

"Daddy if not blue , who " I said confused. 

He kissed my checked "you will see ".


Minutes later my eyes fluttered showing bright lights .  "Danm it's bright as hell in here ".  A sitting Jay and my mom both ran over to me crying tears of joy .  "Momma I only been gone for like some months what you gone do when I go to college " I chuckled.  " visit every day "she said .

Jay was still in the corner crying . "Jay stop crying " .  "I'm trying I can't I been so emotional for no reason lately ."

"Bestii are you pregnant " I said with a grin . "Girl  hot girl Meg could never be put in her place " she said . "She could for nine months if she's having sex " my mom said . 

"Me not know what your talking about "  Jay said .  "Mhmmm " . I couldn't help but laugh because I knew the truth .

Jay quickly grabbed her bag walking out .  "Iya I hope you not having sex ." My mom said looking at me .  "Momma I just woke up and you grilling me ." I laughed . 

"And am I don't need no grand babies right now . I'm still a hot girl by heart " she said crossing her heart .  "Momma you know you like 35 right ".'

"You know I can still beat your ass right " I laughed knowing she would try . 

Minutes later the doctor came In and did some test . "So how I'm doing doc ".  " Good actually , we're still running test and the ones that already came in were pretty good " he said .

"So when can she come home " mom said .  "Where going to keep her here for tonight just incase something goes wrong , then we will release her tomorrow evening at 12".

Won't lie that was music to a bitch ears . Plus I ain't have this kitty played with In 3 months. I might just go see my no good ass boyfriend.


*the next day *

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