Chapter 15: no please not yet

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Mer had just hit 25 weeks on Wednesday. She had been taking plenty of fluids and medications that made her very drowsy.

She began to walk downstairs slowly.

"Hey, mom- omg."

"What is it sweetie?" Carolyn asked as she wiped her hands on her apron.

"Omg omg." Mer started sobbing and sat on the stairs.

"Meredith, I need you to tell me what's wrong."

"I'm having contractions. I- I can't be having contractions! They are only 30 weeks and- and they are too small and sick and I,"

"Shh. I'll get your dad to pack up the car, you will come sit on the couch. Derek!"

"Yea mom?" He came down the stairs.

"Mer is in labor. I need you to come help her while I pack the hospital bag."

His eyes went wide and he gasped but quickly pulled himself together for the sake of mer.

"You're ok, Mer." He kept her in his arms and whispered nothings in her ear.

"Crap." She groaned, holding her stomach.

"It's all ok."

"No, it's not."

"Calm down, I promise you, they will be fine."

"Ow!" She yelled holding her stomach in pain.

The tears of fear and agony slide down her face leaving dark wet spots on her shirt.

"I need you to take deep breath's, Mer." He demonstrated a stable breathing pattern for her to follow.

"Let's go." Carolyn said as she had bags in her hands.

They all got in the car and headed towards the hospital.

"It's too early.."she whispered.

"I know, but we will make it work. Don't worry, Mer."

"We're here," Carolyn smiled sympathetically.

They called a nurse and got Meredith into a wheelchair. She was begging her kids to decide not to come yet. She couldn't wait to meet them, but she wanted more to keep them healthy and safe as long as possible.

When the nurse got Meredith situated and Derek signed papers along with Carolyn, Meredith started sobbing.

She pulled her hands over her face, already feeling insecure enough.

"Hey, ma? Can you go out for a minute?" Derek asked.

"Of course dear."

"Meredith, look at me," he pulled her hands away and she looked at him. Her nose was red and her eyes were identical.

"It'll be fine. We are in the most successful hospital in the region."

"But they won't survive."

"They will, I'll make sure. And when they are in the incubator, I will take pictures all the time until you are able to see them. I promise."

"But when they come home..."

"When they come home, there will be mom and dad, who are both surgeons. It will be okay. For now, just focus on the two babies that are about to be in our arms and think about them running in the back yard, chasing each other, ok?"

Her frown slowly turned into a smile and she nodded. But the smile didn't last long due to another contraction hitting her.

She squeezed Derek's hand and he rubbed her sweaty hair back, also wiping remaining tears from her cheeks.

"I brought ice chips," Carolyn whispered as she walked back into the room.

"Thanks," Meredith responded while panting. She was already exhausted.


"Okay, Meredith. Let's see how far you are."

The nurse measured Mer, telling her she was about 8 centimeters so it wouldn't be long.


It was time to push and Meredith didn't want to. She wanted these babies to be healthy and safe inside of her stomach.

"You need to push, Meredith. We will lose them if you don't," Derek said.

When she just sobbed, he slipped off his shoes and climbed in behind her. He whispered encouraging words to her so she would push.

When the monitors began to go off, signaling Meredith would need to push now or the twins wouldn't make it, Meredith pushed. She didn't want them to die out in the world, but she couldn't be the reason they died either.

Baby girl was born first and then baby boy. The nurses instantly took both of them away and got them to cry the most pain-filled cries. They hooked them to so many wires and tubes that they no longer looked like babies anymore. 

But everyone loved them just the same. The journey now began.

Sorry for the long wait :/

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