Chapter 4: Test Me

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After school when everyone went to the gas station, Addison snuck away to get a test for Meredith. It's not everyday you see someone buy their ex- boyfriends, new girlfriend who is also your best friend, a pregnancy test. But that's how it is. Meredith on the other hand, was terrified. She was 14. She didn't know how her mom would react. Not her real mom, she is trash. Let alone her "fake" dad. Especially if it's their real son's kid! Who is also a kid! This whole situation was so confusing, but one thing stuck with her.

If I am pregnant, I will not leave this child like my mom did me. I will keep it. If that means I have to run away, so be it.

Everyone went back to the house, well, the shed.

"I have to go to the bathroom. Be right back."

She went upstairs and to her bathroom.

"Oh god."

She took the test and ate it face down on the counter. She was shaking and anxiety built up in her as the minutes passed.

She couldn't flip it. The only thing she could think to do is call the one person who could either leave her, or stick by her in this situation, Derek.

"What's up, Mer? Where are you?"

"Can you come upstairs to my bathroom?"

"Do you need pads or anything?"

"No, just you."

"You're not trying to....."

"No. I don't want sex. Just....please."

"Ok. I'll be up in a minute."

He heard the urgency in her voice, so he ran.

"Mer, what's wrong?"

"Ok. If you don't want to, I can leave and go somewhere else. I just want to say, I'm giving you an out and if you don't want to do this, I will leave. Don't feel obligated to stay with me just because of this."

"Mer..I love your rambling, but're scaring me. What's wrong?"

"I think...uh- I think I'm pregnant. I have the test. I took it, but I haven't looked. And I wanted to look with you because I'm scared and I don't know what to do anymore. Addie got the test for me but if it's positive, we don't....or I don't have money and I don't know what you want to do. How will mom and dad react and school....."

"Mer, I will stay. I will help you. Right now, we just have to flip it over. That's all."

They never thought they would be so interested in a stick, let alone a dirty one.

"Ok. Just flip it over."

She shakily started to but she chickened out.

"How about, I look. I will see and then you can look."


He perked at the test. She tried to read his face but it had no expression. No emotion and he was a brick wall.

"Ok. Ok. Ok."

She finally looked.

"Pregnant....I'm pregnant. Like an actual human being inside my body."

"Yea, Mer. I love you."

"I love you too but how in the world will we make this work?"

"Taking it one step at a time."

"One step. The next step is to tell Mom and Dad. And Addie."

"Ok. We can do that."

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