Macer | 1652w

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  This is not happening. This cannot be happening, Kitten wouldn't do this. Calen wouldn't do this either, and Falcon... Falcon would. I groan and drop my face into my hands. I'm four hours late for my meeting with Crossword, and they thought we were pushing the time limit already. Did Falcon want me to get in trouble with the Hunters? Or did he want to keep me here bad enough to resort to desperate measures?

  I rub my hands roughly over my face as I will myself to wake up. Assuming he didn't do this out of ill intent, what would he do? Get backup from Hero friends? Face Crossword alone?

  I let out a breath and stand up. No matter what he did, he wouldn't want to risk this city, which means he would take the fight somewhere else. Probably to the Hunter Crossword was talking about, the Elder. So he must have at least gotten directions from Crossword. I doubt Falcon would have taken Crossword with him, they'd only end up being one more Hunter to fight.

  Which begs the question, where would Falcon leave him?


  Amelia's eyebrows shoot up when she opens her door, and she quickly waves me in. "You're not with them?" She demands, sounding incredulous and a bit angry. "How could you let him do this without you? They'll probably kill him after they're finished with the Hunters!"

  I stare at her for a moment, and before I can open my mouth to ask what she's talking about I hear little feet running toward us. "Ami!" Elli squeals, wrapping her arms around Amelia's legs. "They woke up!"

  Amelia runs a hand over Elli's hair, giving me a considering look, then holding my gaze. After a moment, her entire expression softens. "Oh, I see. Falcon didn't tell you, did he?"

   I shake my head and follow her as she starts walking. "Well, you're in luck. Falcon came by a few hours ago and dropped off Crossword for... safekeeping."

  I only hum, unable to think about anything but finding my Hero. She gestures to a door and I step through, seeing Crossword tied to a chair, their hands thoroughly wrapped and thus unable to trace anything into the air. Crossword huffs when they see me, looking annoyed. "This is your fault, Fireboy," they grumble.

  I don't comment, stalking forward until I'm right in front of them. The door closes behind me, but I don't bother to check if Amelia stayed. I grip the back of the chair in one hand, pushing until it's balancing on two legs and Crossword's eyes are slightly wider. "Where is he?" I growl, my tone low and threatening.

  Crossword's lips thin, then they bare their teeth at me in a smile. "Untie me and I'll tell you."

  I let the chair slam back onto all four legs as I straighten. "You'll tell me anyway," I snarl, flames bursting into life on my hands.

  Crossword's smile turns sickly sweet. "I'm sure I will, but I'm also sure it would take longer, and I don't think you want that. Do you?" They blink up at me, smile morphing into a smirk as I clench my fists. They're right, though I hate to admit it.

  Glaring, I will my flames to burn through their bindings, and a second later Crossword is standing. I left the wrappings on their hands alone, because I don't fancy another fight with them, and certainly not in Amelia's home.

  I fist the back of their jacket and jerk them towards the door, ignoring their stumbling and muffled protests. I march them through the house and out the front door, then shoot into the air. Crossword grabs my arm as best they can, looking a bit nauseous as I fly us to the top of the nearest tall building. I shove them to the roof before I've even fully landed, and they scramble to their feet, looking very annoyed. Crossword rubs at their wrists, and I notice scratch marks ringing them jaggedly. My gaze flicks to their neck, where there's a line of four puncture marks, like claws.

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