Macer | 1700w

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  I can hear his muffled breathing as I slowly walk closer, not wanting to startle him. I stop next to his bed for a moment and hesitate again, but not for long. I can't leave him like this, and I don't trust Masquerader to take care of him.

  I pull the blanket off of him and move to touch him, only to freeze when he whimpers, "P-Please not ag-gain..."

  He sounds so genuinely scared I momentarily wonder if he knows I'm Macer, but then I shove that thought away. It doesn't matter, I'm staying with him either way.

  I lean over and scoop him up despite his struggling, then cradle him against my chest as I turn to sit on the bed. It only takes a short second for him to stop struggling and instead start clinging to my shirt.

  "Lance?" he sniffles.

  I nuzzle his hair and speak softly, which tends to be hard when I'm Macer. "Yes Lovely. I've got you now, you're okay."

  He must have known it was me by the way his nose is pressed into my shirt, and he seems to be breathing deeply. The fact that he knows how I smell and maybe even likes it sends a warm feeling through my chest.

  The warmth is replaced by something else when he opens his eyes for the first time and starts to look up at me. I turn my face away and guide his head back down with a gentle hand on his neck, then press a kiss near one of his kitten ears.

  "Trust me Baby, okay?" I implore, smiling softly when he nods and rubs his cheek against my shirt.

  I stand up and position him on my hip, when I can hold him with a single arm. He's still worryingly light, and I make a mental note to stuff him with food whenever I can.

  "Good Cutie. Now cover your ears, and don't look," I wait until he's covering his ears and has his face buried in my shoulder to advance toward Masquerader.

  "I'm sorry I scared him! At least after he changed-" I cut her off with a low snarl, also grabbing her wrist to keep her hand from flailing around as she tries to explain.

  "I know," I hiss, barely loud enough for her to hear. "Which is the only reason I'm sparing you right now. But if you follow us, I will assume you mean to harm. Know that I will not spare you again."

  I release her wrist and it falls to her side while she looks equal parts vexed and remorseful. "I wasn't finished talking," she snaps. "I did mean him harm at first, but I thought he was just a stupid fame-craving Hero! I also didn't realize how much he meant to you."

  I shoot her an angry, questioning look at her last comment, but she ignores it.

  "And before I admit anything else I'll regret, please take my car as an apology," she finishes.

  I nod in answer, wondering what could have brought her to act so... odd. No Villain in their right mind would act this compassionately toward anyone, and definitely not toward Falcon himself. A normal Villain would jump for joy at finding Falcon in this weak state, as it would mean it was easier to hurt him.

  Masquerader seems to be living up to her name. It begs the question of which seemingly genuine identity is real.

  Unfortunately that is something I'll have to work out later. Right now my focus is on getting the adorable boy in my arms somewhere safe and anonymous.

First step, get Masquerader's keys.

  That's easy, I saw them earlier when I was pacing. I pluck them off the wall near the TV on my way to the door.

  Second step, convince a clingy Kitten it's safer to sit in the passenger seat than on my lap.

  "Darling I'm sorry but I can't hold you the whole drive," I explain as I rest my cheek on the hood that's covering his ears.

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