Macer | 1400w

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  Falcon's words hit me harder than any punch he's ever sent my way. It's true that the last time he was Falcon I left him in a fire, but it wouldn't have killed him. The fire wouldn't go against my wishes like that, the most it could've done to him is give him a sunburn. But... he had no way of knowing that.

  "Calen, I-" I try to explain, but he cuts me off immediately.

  "It's Falcon!" He snaps. "And I don't know what your game is here, but I want no part of it! We're still enemies, and we always will be."

  His words hurt, again, and yet this time I also feel anger. He's accusing me without even letting me explain. I don't like being accused of things I didn't and won't do.

  I take a step toward him, staring him down in a challenge. "Let. Me. Speak," I grind out. He holds my gaze in a challenge, keeping his mouth shut and as he holds his hands out in a mocking 'go ahead' gesture.

  I release a breath, closing my eyes for a second as I control my temper. "The fire would not have harmed you, I made sure of that. Just because I like you better in your more agreeable forms doesn't mean I loathe you in this one. Now, how do you remember the kid at all?"

  I watch as he sends me a glare, then fumbles with his pockets. Finally, he pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to me. "Don't incinerate it," he grumbles.

  I roll my eyes before reading the note. 'Falcon you better find this, I know you'll be looking for it after realizing I jumped. Anyway, my foster parents are... gone. They had another foster kid though, and they'll need help. Find them. Help them.'

  I read it twice filing it into my memories to think about more later, then flick it back to Falcon. "And you... what? Thought you killed them in your normal form? As if."

  He recoils a bit, eyes wide. "They're dead?"

  I cross my arms, eyeing him. "How about I explain things from my point of view, hm?" He looks ready to protest, but I don't let him.

  "Masquerader took you, and don't ask how we got to that point this would take too long. I followed her to her hideout, and didn't want you to know I was like this," I hiss the last word, taking a step toward Falcon. "So I didn't try to rescue you immediately. No, I let Masquerader 'take care' of you, which I never should have done. And what a great job she did of it, I mean it's not like you starting screaming from a nightmare or anything," I rant, my fists now clenched at my sides.

  "Of course at that point I took you away from Masquerader, but guess what? I was still like this, and very, very angry. I left you with my lovely old friend Amelia, and went to find your foster parents. I'd heard enough about them already, but hearing you scream bloody murder was the last straw," I spit out vehemently, meeting his horrified gaze.

  "So yes, your foster parents are dead. I killed them last night. And oh, I took my time with it," I purr, my face twitching to the side as I try to control myself.

  My fists are already flaming, and I'm barely keeping them from lighting my clothes alight. If I had my suit that wouldn't be a problem, as it was made to withstand any heat I produced, but these clothes would burn up in a matter of seconds.

  "I got lucky, the kid was at a school event and didn't see anything. Don't think they even made it back to the house," I finish, my voice a bit raspier than when I started. I'm normally very good at controlling my powers, but sometimes they creep up and overwhelm me. It feels like I'm being burnt from the inside out, a muted reflection of what it felt like the day I got my powers.

  The heat is drying out my throat and eyes causing me to blink rapidly and my voice to be a bit softer and raspier. I crouch down and cough dryly as I extinguish the fire on my hands, then frantically tug off my coat. The wrists are smoldering a bit, but I don't bother to stamp them out.

  I hate these episodes with a passion. They happen so randomly, even when I'm not angry or actively using my powers. Sometimes I end with a bloody nose, bloodshot eyes, a painful dry cough that lasts the whole day, and very dry skin.

  My first episode like this happened soon after I escaped, when I couldn't yet control my powers. It got so bad I coughed up blood, and it was agony to eat or drink for a week, not to mention I could barely manage a whisper.

  I end up sitting against the wall, knees pulled up to my chest and my face buried in my arms. It feels like an eternity has passed until I'm abruptly snapped out of it.

  I gasp raggedly and seize up, the bucket full of ice cold water that was poured over my head now in a puddle beneath me. Most evaporated on contact, but the ends of my hair are still dripping, my shoulders and knees soaked. A violent shiver trembles through me, and very slowly, I uncurl myself.

  My legs stretch out in front of me and my arms hang limp next to me as I lean my head on the wall and look up at Falcon. His arms are crossed and his eyes are narrowed as he stares down at me, watching intently as I look away from his eyes in favor of glaring at the bucket sitting innocently beside him.

  "Well then. You done spazzing out, or do I need to get another bucket?" He asks sarcastically.
  I scoff, then regret it when a coughing fit overtakes me. "I don't suppose you brought a glass of water too?" I rasp, noting how startled he looks at the change in my voice.

  "Uh... no, I didn't," he replies, eyeing me warily as he turns. "I'll be right back, don't move."

  I sigh raggedly and ignore his order as soon as the door closes behind him, struggling to my feet with a pained groan. I lean my forehead on the wall, focusing on my breathing until Falcon returns, carrying a large glass of water so full I'm not sure how he hasn't spilled it already.

  "I wish I knew why I was doing this for you, Macer," he grumbles out, but he doesn't sound nearly as venomous as he did before.

  I chuckle lowly, taking the glass with shaking hands, the water sloshing over the edge and dripping down into the ever-growing puddle beneath my feet. "I wish I knew, too."

  He shuffles his feet awkwardly as I gulp down the water, then he looks up with a determined gaze. "Swear to me you will not hurt the kid," he demands, unwavering.

  I resist an eye roll, wondering if my rant earlier told him nothing. "I would no more hurt that child than I would hurt you," I assure as I carelessly drop the glass. I feel a bit disappointed when it refuses to shatter in the dramatic way I had hoped for, but now is not the time to be breaking things anyway.

  Falcon growls softly, flicking his hair out of his face. He's wearing his mask, but it does nothing to hold his hair in place. I want to brush my fingers through his hair and hear him purr happily, but with the way he's barking at me I doubt that will happen anytime soon. I bet even my Kitten hates me now.

  "Just swear it, please," he grumbles, sounding disappointed.

  I do roll my eyes this time, but do as he asks. "I swear I will not harm the kid in any way, shape, or form. Now how about we go find them?"

  Falcon nods, looking me up and down. "You can... like... function?"

  I sigh a long-suffering sigh. "Yes, Falcon, I am 'functioning' just fine."

  He nods, seeming both pleased and annoyed with my answer. 

  "Then let's do this fast, before anything else bad can happen to them."

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