Chapter 45: Omens. [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

Summer was finally here, and we were enjoying our spare time splashing around in the lake. I sat on a red blanket between Adam's legs while we watched the younger pups chase each other around the shore. Small beams of sunlight tickled our skin through the canopy overhead, while a slight breeze offered a reprieve from the sweltering heat. I leaned back into Adam's chest as he gently stroked my arms, sending pleasurable tingles rippling up my arm.

Over the months, our relationship had grown in leaps and bounds. I loved spending as much time with him as I could. I even moved into his room, but we still didn't go all the way, if you know what I mean. Adam surprised me each day we spent together. He never forced me to do anything I wasn't ready for and for that, I loved him. You heard correctly. I loved him, but never told him. It still scared me to take that irrevocable step. An axe hung over my head. I still had this feeling that my grandfather would pop out of the woodwork one of these days.

"What's wrong, sexy?" Adam asked me while nibbling on my ear.

I squirmed away and said, "Nothing serious." He stared at me, not believing me one bit.

"Try again."

I sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist. "There's this nagging feeling that's making me anxious."

"Your grandfather?"

I nodded. "Could be... He'll eventually sniff me out and try to kill me."

Adam wrapped me tighter in his embrace, kissing my neck. "Well, he'll have to get through me first."

This made my stomach churn. He meant what he said, and it didn't calm me. His proclamation made it worse. I didn't want anyone to die on my behalf, especially not Adam. Over the months, the pack had grown on me and seeing them in danger because of me still kept me awake at night.

I groaned and pulled away from his embrace. I stood up and walked off toward the forest's tree line where my brother and his mate ran around chasing each other amongst the trees. Since the party, we have grown to understand one another. Riley stopped acting like a prick and we could hold a conversation without biting each other's heads off. It would still take some time before we would call each other brothers in public, but we were getting there.

Kaila was doing very well. I was happy that the enchantment helped her as well as it did. She hasn't had a seizure yet. Much to her mother's disappointment, Kaila had the enchantment tattooed on the back of her neck. The bracelet I gave her, she kept as an accessory. I wouldn't have; the trinket wasn't the most elegant thing to wear around one's wrist.

I walked into the shade of the forest, trying to calm down. The tightness in my chest persisted. Even the forest had grown silent over the past weeks. I got the sense that the forest was waiting for something to happen. What exactly, I did not know. A snap of a twig punched me in the heart. I spun around, coming face-to-face with the white stag I'd seen before. It huffed and stamped its hooves while turning its gaze on me.

"Nathan, wait up!" yelled Adam as he stumbled into the clearing. "There you are!" His mouth slammed shut when he saw the stag.

"Don't move!" I said through the mind-link.

Adam grew roots on the spot.

For the first time since I've known him, Adam stuttered out, "I-Is that—"


Adam turned to me. "Sorry!" He shrugged his apology.

Luckily, Adam's presence didn't intimidate the stag. Why would it be? The tremendous power irradiating off the beast would drag the most powerful supernaturals to their knees, begging for mercy. Even an oddity such as myself wouldn't want to fuck with it. The Spirit of the Forest was indeed a magnificent sight to behold. A grand set of horns crowned out of the stag's head. The herbivore towered over us with its muscular frame that could easily stomp a grisly bear into the dirt with one kick.

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