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Left with a little shock to my chest from the way up, I let out a small but happy sigh. All around me were the people I loved, minus my babies Anora and Helios. They were having their sweet bonding time, though, so I'll let them off the hook for not being able to see the beautiful scenery their fathers (or future fathers-in-law) set up.

"Well, what do you need to talk to me about, my loves?" I asked with a slight chirp to my voice. "Everything good, I presume."

"Of course!" Aro said a little too quickly. I let out an awkward laugh and let him continue. "Everything is perfect, il mio amore. Do you like the scenery?"

Aro's anxious nature isn't known to many, but he doesn't often get this rattled over my presence. The last time he did he happened to mess up big time. That was when he ruined my favorite shirt in the laundry because... well... it wasn't supposed to go into the laundry at all. But I have faith that he hasn't set up something like an elaborate apology for some unknown mishap he's played a role in. That would be silly.

"I love it, darling," I said as I kissed his cheek. "What's gotten you so worked up, Aro darling? Is the thing you need to talk about this important?"

A long paused followed my questionings. From all three of them. When I glanced over at Marcus and Caius both managed to avoid meeting my gaze with their impeccable avoidance skills fit for the kings that they are. Avoiding the question and your queen's eye? Henry VIII would be proud.

This wasn't a game I was going to play right now.

"So is the scene just a date of silence or will someone tell me what they wanted to talk to me about tonight?" I press further.

That seemed to be just enough egging on to have Caius speak up.

"We wanted to talk about the future - our future." My mate didn't look me in the eye when he spoke, eyeing the ground with a tiny smirk on his pale face. I watched as he pushed a bit of blonde hair out of his face.

Curiously I asked, "What about our future together do you want to discuss?"

My feet pipped up and I stood on my toes to be able to better see my mates' faces. I was now standing in the middle of the makeshift triangle the three of them made on accident.

"Oh, just the -" Caius stops for a second before giving a pleading look to both of his brothers. The darker haired vampires make awkward humming noises and Marcus steps further into the circle to wrap his arms around me. With a deep sigh, Caius continues with a serious but loving tone, "We wanted to know if you were happy in the castle."

The castle. I loved my life there. Able to see my family at any hour of day, spend time alone, and have a job I absolutely adore. I wouldn't change the place for the world. Didn't they know that? Had I gone in too deep with my upset over losing Maeve for that period of time, not let them know that it wasn't anything that could be fixed? She was back now and could give me ease.

No, the three of them had to know I loved being there. This was one of their attempts to ask something through a question slightly but not-so-slightly unrelated.

"Baby, I'm always happy with you three in the castle." Their faces lit up and I had to laugh. "I love everything that you've set up for me here tonight. Really, it's the most beautiful date you've managed. I'm sort of sad that I can't gorge myself on human foods like I used to be able to when you three bring me somewhere pretty. It adds to the ambiance."

"The loud noises your mouth makes when you eat will be most missed by our immortal ears," Marcus says sarcastically.

"I am not that loud. Emmett would have made an inside joke about it if I was," I defended. "But anyways, I'm happy as ever with you three. You're my mates and I love you to death. You know I've never had a true family before the one we created together. We've created something special with our bond, our child, and everyone around us. I couldn't be more in love and happy if I tried."

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒, Volturi KingsWhere stories live. Discover now