Ch. 11 - Fears

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IT'S THE LAST DAY before Jordan leaves

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IT'S THE LAST DAY before Jordan leaves.

She hasn't woken up yet, but I have the whole day planned out on what we are going to do.

First, we are going to eat some breakfast. Then we are going to a Broadway production before meeting up with the group to go to Luna Park in Coney Island.

"Whatcha making?" My uncle asked as he came into the kitchen. He was putting on his blazer as he walked over to me.

"Waffles," I replied right before I flipped one waffle onto a plate. "Want one?"

Uncle Nathan shook his head,"No. I already brushed my teeth."

"Good morning, gentlemen," Jordan sung as she entered the kitchen.

She was already fully dressed in a cropped dark green hoodie, light washed jeans that have holes at the knees, and some white shoes.

And I still have on sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Waffle?" I asked her, holding out a plate with two waffles on it.

Jordan grabbed the plate with a nod,"Of course. Waffles are my favorite food."

I fixed myself three waffles before sitting on a bar stool beside Jordan. My uncle was on the phone with his job, and he headed out the door with a goodbye wave.

"So what are our plans for today?" Jordan asked me as she cut into her waffle.

"It's a surprise," I replied before bitting into a piece of my waffle.

"I love surprises!"

"I know."

I can't wait to see her reaction when she realizes where we are going. It's going to be so good.


Jordan loved the Broadway production. She nearly fainted when I brought her to the theatre.

And now we are on our way to meet the group. She still doesn't know where we are going, and I smiled to myself.

"Mic," Jordan stated, catching my attention. "Thank you for all of this."

I shrugged,"You deserve it."

Jordan smiled, and the car came to a stop. I opened the door, and I stepped outside the car. Lucy already texted that they were waiting for us at the gate.

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