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"Relationships get stronger when
Both of you are willing to understand
Mistakes and forgive each other."


"What the hell were you thinking?" Embry yelled as Brenna got out of her car at Emily's. It was dark and the wolves had just gotten back, she knew what time they'd be back because Harry told her. "That leech could've killed you."

"You don't say." Brenna mumbled. "I didn't ask for him to show up! I just agreed to go with Bella because she was upset." She added as she moved the hair out of her face. Embry's eyes went to the faint bruise on the girls wrist. It wasn't dark but it was there enough for him to know Laurent had hurt her.

"I'm glad we killed the bloodsucker." Embry growled as he gentle grabbed Brenna's hand to examine the damage. He wanted to make sure that she was fine and that there were no other bruises and marks on her body. "I don't know what I would do without you, baby." Embry mumbled as he placed his forehead against Brenna's and held the side of her face with one hand.

"I love you, and thank you for showing up at the right moment." Brenna whispered as she leaned forward and kissed Embry. She was honestly thankful for the whole pack, because without them she would've been a vampires snack.

A whistle broke the two apart, "yo, love birds. Take it down a notch!" Jared yelled as the couple heard two laughs from the house. More than likely it was Paul and Jared.

The couple walked towards the house and right when they reached the porch, they met Jacob. Embry stiffened and Brenna look anywhere but jacob. She didn't want the cause drama again. "Brenna, can I talk to you?" Jake asked.

"No-" Embry started before Brenna nudged him lightly. "Yeah," Brenna spoke up. Embry gave her a look. "I'll be okay, Embry. I promise." Her imprinter sighed before giving her a quick kiss and heading inside the house. "What do you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Let's take a walk." Jacob spoke as the two started walking down the dirt and gravel road. "I wanted to apologize." He spoke up as Brenna's eyes widen slightly. "I shouldn't have said what I did when you were at Emily's that day. Im happy for you and Embry, really. You two are both good people and you deserve each other." Jacob added making Brenna look over at him. "Also, I'm sorry for how I treated you when Bella moved back to forks. I was wrong to abandon you like that and I apologize."

Brenna gave Jacob a small smile, "thank you, Jake. It really means a lot." Brenna started before she stopped for a second. "But, I don't think we can ever be friends like we were... I mean, I gave you and Bella multiple chances and I just don't like feeling second best." She sighed. She stopped walking and turned around, only to notice Embry's figure standing on the porch. "I forgive you, but we can never go back to how close we were."

Enchanted ↳ Embry CallМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя