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"Good morning," Anna carded a finger through Liam's hair.

"I want to go back to sleep," he grumbled and rolled over on top of the girl beside him. He laid his body on top of her as she kept playing with his hair, trying not to fall back asleep. "Sorry, probably suffocating you."

He started to get up and Anna grabbed him and pulled him back down. "No stay, you feel like a weighted blanket," the two laughed. They continued to chat quietly, not leaving bed until Aaron exited the villa for the day. 

"It is so chill between Liam and I, like we could just sit around and talk all day, I really like that."

"Yeah I think Chloe and Toby are probably done,"  Faye told Anna as the two sipped their tea on the terrace with Liberty. 

"I just don't understand that boy," Anna shook her head. "Like what is the plan here? Just hop girls until the final?"

"I think Chloe really likes the boy but she's now seeing his behavior as the rest of us did with the Kaz situation," Faye predicted as the other girls nodded in agreement. 

They finished up their cups and made their way inside to throw on bathing suits and head downstairs. The girls saw Toby and Chloe sitting on the steps having a chat, all three hoping the situation would be resolved. 

The girls headed over to the pool and hopped in. Anna floated for a bit, snapping to attention when Chloe sat down on the edge of the pool. She paddled over and tuned into the girl's retelling of her talk with Toby. 

"I basically said I want to be exclusive, and he said 'well why haven't we had this conversation already' and I said because we're shit communicators," the girl ranted. "And then I asked him to choose me or Abigail and he said he didn't know."

"Oof," Anna cringed. 

"I feel like I look like a dickhead, like I am all about him, haven't talked to any of the new boys and he's just mugging me off? Like," the girls all crowded around as the blonde began to well up. 

"I will say I wasn't Chloe's biggest fan in the beginning, but I do feel bad for the girl."


"I have a question for our Anna girl," Liberty announced as the girls were getting ready that night.

"Ask away darling," Anna grinned as she put on her highlight. 

"I know me and Jake have an unspoken rule about being exclusive, how about you and Liam?"

"I guess I forgot to tell you lot," the girl grinned sheepishly as the other girls yelled in indignation. "Before AJ and Danny went home we basically sat down and said we were exclusive, like no chatting with other people trying to get them to know them on a romantic level unless there is a conversation first."

"So basically, you're dating," Kaz teased. 

"I use the term half dating," Anna laughed as the girls screamed. 

"Yeah, it's definitely nice to be in a place with Liam where I don't have to worry as much with new girls coming in and things," she spoke in the beach hut. "I can just focus on us and getting to know one another even more."

When Anna made her way downstairs she cringed when the first thing she saw was Toby sitting with Abigail

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When Anna made her way downstairs she cringed when the first thing she saw was Toby sitting with Abigail. "That's an oof," she said to Liam as she sat down next to him. 

"He just doesn't learn does he," the boy laughed as Anna cuddled into his side. The couple frowned sympathetically as Chloe approached them with a huff. 

"Don't cry hun," Anna said as she noticed the tears welling in Chloe's eyes. "He isn't worth it!" She leaned up to help the girl wipe her eyes. 

"I just shouldn't have trusted him, like I look so stupid," the blonde said with a thick voice. 

"You can't help how you feel Chloe," Anna soothed the girl, rubbing her arm. "It's his fault for acting like a dick."

The three's attention was pulled to Faye's shout. "Islanders, its time to recouple. Tonight the boys will choose the girl they want to couple up with. The girl not chosen will be dumped from the island."

The boys sat on the couch as the girl's stood in a line in front of them. Teddy's phone rang first. 

"So I would like to couple up with this girl because we get on really well. She is stunning, and I can tell she is opening up to me and I think we have a really good thing going. So tonight the girl I would like to couple up with is,


The girls clapped as the blonde walked over and gave Teddy a kiss before sitting. Following that Jake coupled up with Liberty, and then Liam's phone rang. 

"So I want to couple up with this girl because she has the most amazing personality. She is the fittest girl I've ever seen, and I have really enjoyed our time together. She is definitely the girl I envision myself leaving this villa with whenever that may be. So the girl I would like to couple up with is, Anna."

She squeezed Kaz and Chloe's hands before walking up to a grinning Liam. "Such a sap," she teased as she propped up on her toes to grasp his cheeks and peck his lips a few times. The couple sat down and Aaron stood to make his choice.

After he and Lucinda sat down, it was then Tyler's turn. Anna literally clapped when he chose Kaz, grinning at her smiling friend. Then it was Toby's turn. 

"So tonight I have had to go with my heart. This girl and I had an immediate connection, and I would like to take the time to get to know her better and see how we fit as a couple. So the girl I would like to couple up with, is


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