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"So how were your dates?" Faye asked Anna as the girl sat with her, Kaz, Liberty and Sharon. 

"They were all so lovely. Like I said earlier, it definitely was nice getting to know all of them more," the girls all talked some more, turning to focus on Kaz when she expressed worries over Toby.

The girls headed to get ready for bed, Anna taking off her makeup and putting on one of her stolen t shirts from her brother, before quietly asking Faye to join her on the terrace. 

"What's up?" Faye glanced at the girl sitting across from her. 

"So I wanted to speak with you one on one after the dates, just because its only fair. I definitely felt a connection with Liam, and at the moment he is the only boy I want to get to know more. I just wanted to be super up front-"

"Anna hun," Faye interrupted with a laugh. "Relax. I could tell you both were feeling it."

"I just feel like a bitch," Anna huffed. "Feel like I'm stealing my friends man."

"I literally told Liam today he needed to get to know you, I am not married to the man." Faye came over the throw her arm over Anna's shoulder. "Even before you came in I knew we wouldn't be progressing much further, its fine babes."

The two girls hugged again before heading inside. Faye headed downstairs while Anna went to grab her eye mask and water bottle. "Everything alright," a voice startled the girl. 

"Holy hell," Anna screeched as she whipped around to face a chuckling Liam. "You can't do that!"

"Sorry babe, thought you heard me," Liam glanced down at her outfit, the clearly borrowed shirt with the tiniest shorts imaginable. "You stealing clothes already?"

"This is actually my brothers," Anna informed the boy as they walked to the bedroom. "I do enjoy stealing jumpers though."

"Well, I hope you steal mine," he grinned cheekily at her as he opened the door. "Think you would look unreal in it."

"Oh my days," Anna practically ran past him as she climbed in her bed with flaming cheeks. 


"Good morning lovely," Liberty and Faye jumped into bed with Anna after Lucinda had left. 

"Hello my girls," Anna yawned cutely while the girls cooed at her, making her jump out of the bed to run away. 

Anna sat down to brush her hair and tuned into Sharon's conversation with Kaz about Aaron. 

"Honestly Sharon, when he told me the things he looks for in a partner, it sounded like he wanted a silent sally, and good riddance if so." The other girls agreed while they finished up getting ready. Anna put on a yellow bikini and no makeup as she planned to be in the water. She put on some chapstick and headed down to the garden.

 She put on some chapstick and headed down to the garden

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"Good morning," Liam greeted her from the kitchen. "Anything to drink for you?"

"Some tea would be lovely, thanks!" Anna sat on a bar stool as Liam grabbed a tea bag. "Sleep well?"

"Oh yeah thanks, how about you?"

"Lucinda does not share a bed well, but it was alright," Anna giggled. 

"Well I am proud to say I am a great bed buddy," Liam winked at Anna as he handed her a mug. 

"Thank you hun," Anna blushed and practically ran to where Faye and Kaz were hanging out. "What going on ladies?"

"Kaz thinks Chloe is moving in on Toby," Faye clued Anna in. 

"Mate what?" Anna was shocked. 

"Yeah, they have been together all morning," Kaz sighed. "I just hate fake people, I feel like I am on a totally different page than the two of them."

The girls kept talking before Hugo got a text. "Islanders, time to participate in the Line of Booty!"


Starting off the challenge, Rachel went and chose to kiss Brad after searching for the vienna sausage in his pants. Then came Kaz, who chose Toby, Sharon who chose Aaron even after their talk the night before, Faye chose Hugo as she knew that he would likely get left out. (sorry I couldnt leave hugo hanging and I wanted liam to only smooch anna).

Next came Anna, she got to the top of the slide and slid her pants off, shimmying them down slowly with her ass facing the boys. She then stood up and tried to rip off her shirt, but wasn't strong enough so everyone laughed with her as she had to unbutton all of the buttons before heading down the slide. 

Then she got stuck on the slide because of the shorts. 

"My ass was too big I guess!" Anna laughed. "No it was because those shorts are made of some weirdo material I swear!"

"Ok then," Anna had to stand and walk down the slide as the islanders howled in laughter. She ran over to the water and ran her hands over her body, before heading to the cage to grab her boy. 

"I have heard you have been very naughty Liam," Anna giggled as the boy approached the bars. She led him over to the middle of the area before she trailed her hands down his chest, walking around his body, and beginning to feel up his crotch. "What have you hidden down there big boy? Is that a squash?" She actually came back around his front and dropped to her knees to finish up her search, smirking when she saw how dark Liam's eyes got. 

The islanders were yelling as Liam did pull a squash out of his pants, grinning like a mad man as Anna pulled him over to the cage and pressed him to the bars. She pressed herself against his chest with a grin, feeling his hand drape around his waist while the other tangled in her hair as he bent down to connect their lips. 

Anna truly felt sparks during their first kiss. Liam had such soft lips, and he took control quickly, using the hand in her hair to angle her head better as his tongue began to trace her bottom lip. The two broke apart as they heard the yelling pick up behind them. Anna giggled as she ran back to the girls and they all hugged her with squeals. 

"Well that girl can kiss," Liam groaned in the beach hut.

Lucinda went next and chose Brad, much to Rachel's chagrin. Then Rachel chose the boy too, while Liberty followed and chose Jake. Chloe went last, and had no reservations about choosing Toby. Even worse was when she snogged Toby full on.

"I'll be honest I think that shocked a lot of us," Anna commented from the beach hut. "I know Kaz was totally blindsided and I definitely don't think that was nice."

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