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italics are beach hut comments! 


"So do you girls have your eyes on anyone?" Sharon dove right in with Anna and Lucinda as the girls sat together. 

"I would like to keep my cards close to my chest still," Lucinda giggled as the girls turned to Anna.

"I mean its been 30 minutes, but I think if I do have any thoughts on boys I would want to pursue, I would talk with the girl as soon as I figured that out," Anna answered truthfully. 

"Would you say your a girls girl then?" Kaz asked the Filipina girl. 

"Oh 1000%, like yeah I may be sharing a bed with a boy but at the end of the day I would rather be on good terms with all you girls, even if I have to have uncomfortable conversations."

Kaz: honestly, Anna seems like the kind of friend I would want by my side

"Lucinda how about you?"

"I mean, I think of myself as a girls girl, but at the end of the day I am going to go after what I want," her answer clearly didn't sit great with some of the girls, but they moved on when Anna began asking the girls about their couples. It seemed as if only Liberty, Kaz and Sharon were settled or confident. 

"You girls mind if we join you?" The boys ventured over to the fire pit to get to know the girls more. 

"So what are your types then?" Hugo asked the new girls. 

"All of my exes have been quite different, so I think that it really comes down to someone having a compatible personality with me," Lucinda revealed as the boys listened closely. 

"Well, good luck finding personality with this lot," Faye joked as the boys and girls laughed. 

"For me, I typically go for the tall quiet types, but for me looks don't matter if the personality is shit," Anna grinned at Faye. 

"Oh so my boy Liam has a chance?" Jake elbowed the brunette as he shook his head and Anna giggled into her hands. The teasing was ended by Anna's phone dinging. 

"Oh! I have a text. Anna and Lucinda, tonight you can choose 3 boys to take on a dinner date. One for your starter, one for your main and one for dessert."

"So I think I'll take Hugo for my starter, Liam for my main and Brad for dessert," Lucinda grinned at the boys. 

"I think I would like to have Aaron join me for my starter, Hugo for my main, and Liam for dessert,"she grinned at the boys as they hyped up Hugo and Liam. "I do have a chef for a father boys, so the stakes are high."


The girls all headed to the dressing room to get ready. "So are you guys looking forward to one of the dates more than others?" Liberty asked as the girls applied their makeup. 

"I am just looking forward to getting to know them all more, it has only been like six hours," Anna spoke as she applied her highlight. 

She got dressed in pink suit style shorts with a white corset top, opting to ditch the matching jacket in the heat. "That color looks so good with your skin tone!" Kaz squealed as she zipped up Anna's top.

"Wait you have to borrow this, this color would look so so good on you too!" Anna grinned as the girls posed sillily in the mirror. "Ok, I'm super nervous, I won't ask you to wish me luck because thats awkward, but I will chat with you Iater!"

 "Ok, I'm super nervous, I won't ask you to wish me luck because thats awkward, but I will chat with you Iater!"

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Anna waited patiently in her seat for Aaron to join her. "Hello, hello," the boy greeter her as he walked up with a glass of wine and one plate. "This is for you."

"Thank you!" Anna stood and offered him a hug, waiting for him to return to cheers. 

"What have you made for us?" Anna listened intently as Aaron walked her through the stuffed mushrooms he had cooked. The girl asked Aaron about his situation in the villa, and listened to him speak about Sharon. When he got up to leave, Lucinda stalked over as the girls waited for their next course.

"Thoughts?" Lucinda asked Anna after she had gushed over Hugo. 

"So he's obviously very attractive, but the way he was talking about Sharon and why he thinks they won't work, makes me think we wouldn't either," Anna twirled her hair in thought. "He kinda sounds like he wants a more chill girl who won't speak up and that isn't me at all."

As the girls saw Hugo and Liam approach, they split back up. "You alright?" Anna asked as Hugo juggled two plates and a glass of wine. 

"All good," He huffed as he set down the plates and reached down to kiss her cheek. "You look lovely tonight," the two began to dig into the pasta pomodoro that Hugo had prepared. 

"So why do you think you haven't had much luck in here? To me you seem like the perfect guy."

"I think a lot of these girls go for looks and more a thrill than the solid option," Hugo pointed out.

"Ah yeah, I can see where you're coming from. You just have to wait it out and see who comes along my friend, your perfect match could be on their way in right now!" Anna didn't see a romantic connection with Hugo, but she definitely wanted to be his friend. After they finished, Anna headed for Lucinda to debrief. 

"He is so sweet but there is just no spark for me," Anna said sadly. "I am glad that you may have seen something there though!"

Anna headed back for her table when she saw Liam heading across the garden. "Hello lovely, you alright?"

"Oh, better than alright if thats what I think it is," Anna practically squealed as she saw what was on the plate Liam was carrying. 

"Had to show off our heritage," the boy laughed as he put down the plate and wrapped an arm around her waist to kiss her cheek before helping her into her seat. "Do you like Pwdin Eva?"

"Oh do I!" Anna grabbed a forkful. "My dads family has never left Wales so my family has this super old recipe we use and I always begged my parents to cook it pretty much every week."

"So tell me about your family?" Liam stared at the girl across from him as she dug into her dessert. He loved a girl that could eat. 

"So dad is a chef in Cardiff, he and his best-friend own a few restaurants in the city. Mum was born in the Phillipines and she met Dad in Manila while she was finishing up medical school and he was there for culinary school. She ended up doing her residency in Wales and the rest is history."

"Now that is a story to tell your kids!" Liam laughed as Anna agreed with him. "Any siblings?"

"Yeah, two older twin brothers called Lewis and Rhys, and a little brother called Daniel. How about you?"

"Yeah so my mum and dad have always lived in Wales, they met when they were younger in school, and were basically childhood sweethearts. I am the oldest, and I have a little sister called Caila. We have a ton of family through Wales, my nan and pop had 6 kids so."

"Wow, so would you say you're family oriented?" Anna stared into Liam's eyes, feeling like he was looking into her soul. 

"Absolutely, I love being with my family, and one day I want to have kids so its super important to me. It's something I look for in a partner too," Liam grinned at her. 

"So why is a girl as stunning as you on a show like this?" Liam leaned back in his chair to ask the important questions. 

"I had a pretty nasty break up about a year ago, and when I was ready to get back into dating, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and look for love in unexpected places, and here I am."

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