14 Liar from day one

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"Huh? Did you say something" I asked and leaned from my desk to hear him better. Nanami turned from the blackboard to me.

"I asked what do you want to do then, you're here to learn things." He said in a monotone.

"Don't you want to know what I asked Gojo?" I smiled.

I wanted to tell him, so I was a bit annoyed that he didn't ask himself. And I wanted to know why Gojo told me to ask Nanami about my parents because I already did ask. He doesn't know anything or so he says.

"If you're not going to listen to my lecture then I guess I can't do anything better." He said tiredly and leaned on the teacher's desk.

I started telling him what Gojo had to do with my parents and how they fell apart. He listened and occasionally nodded. It seemed like he knew the story already by his nods. It also looked like he was confirming the events in the story with his nods which made me suspicious.

"...and Gojo told me to ask you about it." I finished. His nodding froze.

"You already asked me about it and I told you I didn't know anything." He retorted defensively. He was clearly hiding something, guessing by his behavior.

"Then why would Gojo tell me that. Just tell me and don't lie again." I was getting agitated, seeing him lying to me once again without even batting an eye.

Why would he even lie about that.

What Gojo did wasn't nice and I was angry with him but I couldn't picture what had happened that Nanami didn't want to tell me so bad.

Nanami watched me for a second, maybe hoping that I'd give up and drop the questioning. He sighed.

"Okay, I'd have to tell you sooner or later anyway." He said frustrated and looked down at his shoes. I didn't say anything and let him continue.

"I...was there too...with Gojo and your parents I mean." He sighed out. He really didn't want to tell with how slowly the words left his mouth.

I raised my eyebrow with confusion. He was there? Why he didn't tell me before?

"Your parents didn't know I was there. There were a lot of curses in that building and some on the outside too. Your parents were inside and I was dealing with curses outside. I came with Gojo later so they didn't notice me..."

Okay, he was really taking his time to get to the source of the problem. I was starting to get impatient and more and more annoyed. I trusted him and now I learnd that he lied to me from the day one.

"...and when the building started collapsing with your parents inside fighting the curses. Gojo ran to me and asked me if he should just save your mother. And with the chaotic situation I forgot about your father and agreed with Gojo. But I really didn't knew, I thought..."

I smacked my hands on the desk in anger. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"Really?! You're just like him and maybe even worse! Gojo at least didn't lie to me but you did!" I shouted while getting up from the desk.

"Y/N, please calm down, you just need to understand me." Nanami stood up from the desk and wanted to approach me.

"Understand?! I think I understand very clearly what you are!" I took a step from him.

"Y/N" He reached out his hand.

"No! Don't touch me, just leave me be. I want to be alone!" I said and stomped out of the room.

I quickly went to my dorm for my bag and ran to the nearest bus stop that would take me to the city. I wanted to be as far as possible from all of them.

The bus driver looked at me weirdly. Seeing a sobbing girl walking into the bus wasn't something normal.

I got out at the city center. I just needed to walk a little to clear up my mind and calm down.

I walked through the city, looking in the different shops and admiring the little cute cafes that were scattered all over the city. I didn't cry anymore but my eyes were still sore.

My legs hurt after walking so much so I sat down on a bench in the park. I watched families have picnics on the grass, old grannies sit on the benches and chat with each other and some of them feed the birds that were crowding around their bench.

It made me smile. These cute little moments were what made life beautiful. But they got overshadowed by those moments which would you rather forget.

"You're smiling but your eyes tell a different story." Someone said. I turned to the source of the voice.

"You again?"

I long for perfection, Nanami x readerWhere stories live. Discover now