13 Answer to THE question

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"It's impossible...I give up..." I panted. "I just won't get to ask my question." I said defeated.

"Anyway, because I'm the best of the best and VERY generous, may I humbly say." He spoke pompously. He really knew how to compliment himself and paint himself to be some kind of god.

I still sat on the ground, dumbfounded at his boasting.

"I...will let...you...ask me your question. And you don't have to thank me I already thanked myself." He finished his speech.

I still didn't move but now my mouth hung open. But it slowly turned into a smirk.

"I knew you couldn't resist me." I said smugly, using the line he previously said to me.

He understood my reference and chuckled.

"Aw, I'm sure if we'd spent more time together you'd be perfect just like me." I made a disgusted face. This was too much for me.

"Whatever. You said you'll answer my question so I'll ask." I said monotonly while getting up.

He didn't say anything and smiled. I'm sure he knew what I wanted to ask.

"I know you probably know what I'll ask."

"No, not in the slightest, ask away my child." He said sarcastically. I cringed once again and sighed.

"So, what's up with you and my parents." I asked right away.

"Well, first of all, me and your parents were good friends back then. However, I kind of..." He paused and rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. "...left your father for dead when fighting a curse and rather saved you mother." He said sheepishly.

Okay, honestly, I expected something worse. Maybe because I had such low expectations of Gojo. I was obviously mad that he didn't saw them equally and just because of his selfish reasons put one of my parents in danger. But both of my parents were alive so it didn't bother me much. But I wouldn't let it slide just yet.

"Well, will you slap me now?" He opened his arms wide and leaned down, waiting for my hand.

"No, you just confirmed my belief that you're arrogant self-absorbed person." I said tiredly.

"Well then you should ask Nanami about that story too and also if that was supposed to be an insult, it didn't do anything for me. I hope you didn't forget I've spent a lot of time with Nanami." A smug painted his lips.

"I think we should go back to others, I wanted to see the boys fight." I sighed out and started walking back.

We got back right when the boys finished fighting. Itadori was picking himself up from the ground.

Nanami was watching me come back with Gojo who was trailing behind me.

"I'm starting to get jealous of you Nanami, Y/N is a really good student. And we even enjoyed the little time we had, right Y/N?" Gojo smiled at me.

I balled my eyes at him. Did he think, I enjoyed the number of times he arrogantly laughed at me while I tried to fight him? He really must be in a different world.

I only scoffed at him as a response. Nanami noticed and smirked.

"It doesn't look like it Gojo. Y/N knows who she belongs to." Nanami said with his arms crossed over his chest.

It made my body heat up hearing him say this. He said it so surely and I felt like  he also hinted on something else that just me being his student.

Gojo looked at me and his smile surprisingly grew wider.

"Oh I'm sure she knows..." Gojo chirped. "...just so you know Y/N, I'm generous and I'm willing to share with Nanami anytime." He added.

"Let's go Y/N, I can't listen to his blabbing anymore." Nanami gritted and we left.

We ended in an empty classroom. He started drawing something on the blackboard. Meanwhile I sat down behind the first-row desk.

When he finished his drawing he put the chalk down and turned to me.

"I'm going to tell about the best way to kill different grade curses so you better listen." He gritted.

Why was he so angry all of a sudden? Sure Gojo's speech was a bit annoying but it was just his usual nonsense talk.

I only nodded and he started lecturing me about curses.


I don't know for how long has he been talking but now I was trying my best to not fall asleep. I tried to pay attention at first and it was easy then but as time passed, my mind started to pay attention to only Nanami's appearance and I slowly stopped listening to what he was saying.

And now even his perfect body couldn't help from resting my head on my palms and getting ready to sleep. My eyes started slowly closing and I got comfortable in my seat.

"Y/N!" Nanami barked which made my eyes quickly open up again.

"You're not listening to me." He said annoyed.

"No, no. I was...I mean I am listening." I lied.

He came closer to my desk and rested each hand on the two corners of my desk.

"Oh really? So what was I talking about." He said smugly while leaning even closer to my face.

"I...uh...grade 2 curses?" I smile sheepishly, hoping that I guessed right.

His eyebrow rose and he continued to watch my eyes. Eventually he pushed himself off the desk and went back to the blackboard. With his back to me he said nonchalantly. "You can't lie Y/N, I can see it in your eyes."

Realizing that I didn't guess right, I sighed.

"I'm sorry but I'm just too tired and the theoretical part of being a sorcerer is just so booooring." I whined desperately.

"Well...I could teach you something you'd surely enjoy..." Nanami said under his breath, quietly enough for Y/N to not hear.

I long for perfection, Nanami x readerWhere stories live. Discover now