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We came back like two weeks ago from Paris and let's just say aside from having a lot of fun, we were very tired and we took the first three days to rest before Kayla went back to school and I and the others went back to work. I had to prep everything early and leave everything organized before I go to LA and since I didn't know how long I was gonna be there, I had to make a few decisions like I left Luke as the acting CEO with Xav's consent of course and Love would be his executive assistant in my absence.

So right now am doing the final check that we packed everything we'll be needing and I asked for a transfer for Kayla and since I didn't want her studies to suffer she will be enrolled in the school her dad and I used to study in. Kayla came into my room as I was zipping up my suitcases and she sat on my bed " Mommy I was thinking, when we land in LA can you please take me to the beach because I've always wanted to see the beach," she was just so excited about going to LA and getting to spend time with her dad even if he didn't know her identity and I can tell that she's loving the idea more than she's letting on.

" Of course baby, anything for my angel," she squealed and started jumping on my bed before she hugged me and started running downstairs to inform Xavier and the others, " Kayla be careful you might hurt yourself ," I shouted after her but she was already half way down the stairs and so I let her go. I called the airport and asked the pilot to ready the plane as we were flying to LA tomorrow morning. I also asked the maids to help each other carry the bags and put them near the door and I went downstairs to hang out with my daughter and my best friend. "How are you feeling that you are going back to the place this was all born?" he asked moving his hands illustrating the 'all' and I just sighed and placed my head on his lap, " Yeah I know it won't be easy but am fine. I kinda feel anxious, nostalgic, happy and confused at the same time and I just have to keep calm since I have to fulfill the task at hand. So did you find a house for me and my baby will stay while we are in LA?" I asked and he started smiling cheekily and that caused me to get up since I knew that was his mischievous smile.

" Well I kinda found that the house next door to your old marital home was on sale and I bought it but don't kill me before you here me out," he said quickly afraid that am about to beat the shit out of him. " You see it would be easier for you to track his movements and so your plan will go accordingly , Kayla will be able to see her dad often and he'll be close and your bedroom window faces his new bedroom window so it's perfect for the seduction part of your plan, so technically it's more of a win win situation for you both," he said as he wiggled his eyebrows at me and I threw a pillow at him for his dirty mind but he dodged it in time.

" Ok no problem but I think we need to talk about something that's been lingering between us way before I came to Amsterdam," he came and sat beside me. " Xavier I have known for a very long time that you are in love with me but I've kept quiet because one, I didn't want to lose your friendship, two, I didn't want things to be awkward and three I didn't want to hurt your feelings because I don't want to be the one to break your heart because I know this will stick with you for life but I can't ignore this anymore. You do know I love you Xavy but just as a friend because even though Xander is my rock bottom he's still the highlight of my life since he taught me to fall in love. I don't love you any less or want you to stay away but I know you deserve better and someone will come along who was meant for you," I finished and he was just looking at me like he was deep in thought and I placed my hand on his forearm to bring him back from his train of thoughts.

" Well there is no use denying since you already figured it out but I also didn't wanna say anything because of the same reasons. You know Kiki am probably gonna love you forever because you're my first love and I won't ever forget you but I made a promise long before you left LA that I will let go of my feelings for you and focus on being a better best friend because what we have is much better than an intimate relationship. I know it hasn't been easy but am almost there and all I want right now is you get you hubby and home back and Kayla gets a complete family. Honestly speaking, you're better and more than anything. I want my future love to be just like you and I will be satisfied if I get a kind, loving, understanding and beautiful of course because we can't have my bestfriend being more beautiful than my wife," he commented and I slapped his arm. We hugged each other as a sign of peace and I finally got rid of that burden that was weighing on me since I was feeling bad that he was hurting while helping the love of his life get her man back.

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