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Ever since that encounter of Alex and me in his office that left me all hot and bothered and especially left with more questions than answers,I haven't seen him,maybe because he went ahead and made sure his things were moved to another room and he has even made a point of ignoring me completely,where he leaves early in the morning and comes back late at night and he now has the maids send his food to his study. Speaking of maids, I haven't seen Vanessa around but I heard one of the servants gossiping with her friend and she apparently thought that she was fired but nobody knew definitely what happened. I have been keeping myself busy by baking the boys (Alex's friends) fav cookies, finishing off a few other portraits for my parents in-law,my own parents and even one for my brother who lives abroad managing our Asian branches and thinking back now it's been quite a while since I say him. As I was reading my novel,I had my phone ring and guess who it is,Xavier,my one and only cute and funny best friend. I missed him so much especially because he's been busy doing photoshoots in the Caymans but he couldn't call because his schedule was hectic.

" Hey sailor,long time. Did you meet another girl and forgot me?" I said pretending to be sad and him being the care- bear he is," Oh no,no,no.....why would I replace my beautiful and lovely lady? You know my heart wouldn't handle losing you and more so,no woman likes listening to my jokes like you do,so I am keeping you," he defended.

"Anyway,I called to tell you that I'll be in LA for a photoshoot and I would like it very much if you came with me because I want you to meet someone who is also very special to me,"I was kinda jealous upon hearing those words and I didn't reply until he said," You don't have to be sad,you are irreplaceable,I just want you to meet my baby sister,Nicole. Ever since I mentioned you she says she wants to meet you and since we will both be in LA,she requested to meet up for lunch that is,if you are available."

"Of course I would like to meet her,plus it's a bonus that I get to see my funny best friend and for the record I missed those dimples of yours,I just hope you didn't break any hearts back in the Caymans or else I will give a beating," I joked and he just laughed. After talking some more we hang up and I carried on reading my book. During lunch,the three musketeers,Mariano, Harry and Kyle came over and we spent the day joking and as I am looking at them, I just can't believe how my life has changed ever since I married Alex. I met Xavier who has been the most amazing and caring friend,I also met these three idiots who never fail to make my day and to top it all off,Alex has been the biggest nightmare of my life. He has made me feel things that I have never experienced and even though he tries his level best to distance himself and drive me to hate him with his harsh and brutal utterances,I just don't understand why I can't bring myself to loathe him or even quit and leave him so that he can marry someone he's happy with. It's like he just exists to make my already fucked up existence,hell and I like a dumb fool I keep on giving myself hope that he might eventually see the real me and he can at least try to make this work even if it's just for our parents but who am I kidding,I just know I want him to love me and make us work because I might try to hide it and disagree with myself but I am really attracted to Alex and those few moments when he was close to me,my heart races and I feel like I lose my breath and it bothered me very much every time he gave Vanessa attention." A penny for your thoughts. Is something wrong Kiki?"Harry asked and I just couldn't bring myself to tell him what is really bothering me so I opted to lie," Not really,I was just thinking how awesome it is to have you three as friends and I'm just thankful for you guys taking time to drop by and hang out with me even though I know you have a lot of work," and Kyle for the first time said something without being silly," We are happy to come over and hang out with you because you are so cute, Adorable most kind and helpful person we have ever met and we are sure that you will be the one person to change our idiot of a friend,Alex because you just have a light in you that just attracts people to you and anyone you give attention or love to is very lucky," by the time he was done, I was in tears and they all came and hugged me.

"I really love you guys and am thankful to have you idiots as my friends," I said and Mariano feigning pain he touched his left pec and said," Hey that really hurt,how can you call your favorite and handsome person, idiot? I'm the smartest among the three of us," that was enough to spark another argument. They do bicker like little kids but I'm sure they love each other. At around four in the afternoon they left and I was again conversant with the silence and loneliness in this house. I just wish my husband would take time to be with me but I bet he would rather be in the company of a woman like Vanessa. Speaking of her,I don't think I have seen her around but I think that's great because she makes my mood sour and I don't need that right now. I just went upstairs and fell asleep and I was woken up by honking and I immediately knew who it was and since I haven't seen him in quite a while even though we live in the same house, I ran downstairs and pretended to be asleep on the couch so that I can at least get a glimpse of him. When he came in I immediately closed my eyes and mumbled something in my fake sleep and that caught his attention since the next thing I knew he was coming into the living room directly to the couch I was sleeping on and he placed his briefcase on the table and he just stood there staring at me and I almost opened my eyes so I opted to turn and face the other way and with that he came closer and kneeled next to me and he took my face in his hands and removed some strands that had fallen on my face and he started talking thinking I was deep asleep." I just don't understand why avoiding you is causing so much chaos for me because you are supposed not to matter to me and I'm supposed to hate you but I can't myself to do it. You are better off staying away from me because all I bring to you is pain and suffering and I just know once you get to know what I did you will grow to hate me and I just can't handle that so I'd rather stay away," he finished and as he stood up I thought he left but he bent down and carried me bridal style and took me to my room where he placed me on the bed and after tucking me in he did the most unbelievable thing,he gave me a lingering kiss on the forehead then after saying goodnight,he turned off the lights and left. As usual he leaves me with more questions than answers and the more I try figure him out I end up getting more tangled, but what did he do that will make me hate him, I need to find out but, do I really even though he said the revelation would make me hate him? I just can't wrap my head around this right now. Am just so shocked and Happy about that kiss he gave me because it felt so good. I wonder how his lips taste like, I bet he can take somebody to heaven and hell with those sinful lips.

Hey people, I missed you all,just been pretty busy with classes and chores but I'm back. Anyway our protagonists are finding it hard to admit there feelings and Alex just so happens to think that it's better for our Kiki if he stays away😔 but Kiki just wants him to be near her and the secrets that he's keeping from her will surely break her but I just sure hope their love is strong enough to survive after she finds out. That's will happen in the future but am just happy that our gal has friends that she can rely on and they love her😍❤️.
Next chapter will be about Kiki meeting Xav's little sister and a little bit of Alex's jealousy fit so stay tuned 😉.

Bye guys 🤭😊😊

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