-Part 3-

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-Still Tsunades POV-

I finally got out of Narutos grip and shut the door quietly.

It was around 12 in the morning so almost no one was still awake.

I was walking down the dark and quiet hallway when someone ran up and stopped right in front of me.
I looked amazed.

It was Sasuke Uchiha.

I-is Naruto ok? He gasped out like he had actually ran half way across the village just to make sure Naruto was fine.
He's fine.. he's sleeping so come back tomorrow morning, I said colder then I meant it to be.

My mother instinct just kicked in. Seeing someone who could more than likely make Narutos situation worse.

I was asking, Sasuke said in his usual cold tone with his deadly Uchiha glare. Naruto doesn't need to see anyone and like I said he's sleeping so go home, I growled and walked away.

-Sasuke POV-

I glared daggers at Tsunades back.

I don't care if she is the hokage. I was generally worried for Narutos health when I heard from Itachi he was in the hospital.
I troubled myself with sneaking out and going to see if he was fine. I don't care if he's awake or not.. I just want him to be ok.

Ignoring the 5th hokages words, I advanced to Narutos room.

When I opened the door Naruto was indeed sleeping.

His golden blonde hair was spread on the pillow as he laid on his side, hugging himself. His perfect plump pink lips were part slightly as small almost soundless snores were let loose.

All in all he looked like a perfect doll.

I sat in the chair beside his bed on the window side and watched him.
Naruto had never looked so peaceful.

After a few hours I yawned and laid my head down on the bed, making sure not to wake him up.
It was common sense for anyone to know Naruto was the lightest sleeper in the fucking world.

That's when I noticed.. he had been crying.
His eyes were slightly puffy and a light pink. A small frown curved my lips and I ran my hand lightly over his eyes.

How many times has he hid his pain? How many times had he put on a mask when really he wanted to cry and scream for help?
Why does he have this pain that he needs to hide and cover with a mask?

-No ones POV-
/The morning/

Naruto woke up to the sun shining through the thin green curtains.
He sat up and almost fell out of bed when he saw Sasuke Uchiha peacefully sleeping.

The blonde seemed to be studying Sasukes face.

The light gave a slight shine to the raven hair that seemed to be a dark blue in some spots thanks to the morning sun. His pale skin looked gorgeous and seemed to shine a little as his thin pale lips were slightly parted though no noise came out.
His hair wasn't neatly brushed but in somewhat of a disarray and his bangs were going over his face.

Naruto gulped and ran his fingers lightly through the raven locks to feel just how soft they were.

Sasukes eyes opened slightly after feeling the gentle touch and Naruto froze.
The raven sat up and looked at the blonde who seemed on edge.

I'm not going to hurt you, he grumbled. Then why are you here? Naruto asked and Sasuke clicked his tongue. I was wondering if you were actually so weak to end up in the hospital by a few wounds, he growled, standing up.

Naruto looked away and Sasuke sighed. 'That's not what I meant to say' he thought and looked back at the blonde who seemed weirdly insecure and... quiet.

I'm going my family will get pissed if they find me out of bed, Sasuke said and jumped out the window.
Yeah.. a family, Naruto whispered and clenched the blanket in his small fists.

Tsunade opened the door a few hours later and Naruto smiled.

Gaki you don't have to act ok with me, Tsunade reassured and Naruto tilted his head. She sighed and ran a hand through Narutos crazy soft blonde hair. How'd you sleep? She asked sitting on the bed.
Naruto shrugged. It helped falling asleep with someone, he said truthfully and she nodded. Do you feel like eating? Tsunade asked. No, Naruto said and she frowned slightly. You'll have to eat lunch and dinner then, Tsunade stated with no room to argue.

Granny? Naruto called after a minute. She hummed while finishing her check up. Do you think of me as a monster? Naruto asked and Tsunade froze. What? She growled. Just.. just answer the question please, the blonde said looking away.
No. You aren't a monster and whoever told you that can burn in hell, Tsunade said sternly and Naruto nodded.

'She's lying' a booming voice came and Naruto froze. 'Leave me alone' Naruto mumbled. 'I'm just saying' the kyuubi said and Naruto frowned.

What's wrong Gaki? Tsunade asked and Naruto looked her in the eye.
'Theres no fear...' Naruto thought and gave her his famous goofy grin. Nothings wrong Granny, he reassured and she nodded.

Tsunade left after the check up and Naruto got out of the cheap but much better bed then his own.
He opened the window and jumped when he was face to face with a crow masked Anbu.

Now I know why they call you guys Anbu, he grumbled and a slight smile laced the crow masked anbus face.. but only for a second.
The Anbu closed the window again and Naruto looked dumbfounded.

'Man it's like their trying to isolate me' he thought sitting back on the bed. 'What would you do if they were?' The kyuubi asked and Naruto felt his heart skip a beat in surprise. Why are you so interested? Naruto asked. The kyuubi didn't answer and Naruto nodded.

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