Neil ☞︎︎︎ life he always wanted

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Coming back from that enormous writing gap with a very happy fic (no, be prepared to cry a little)
I'm pretty sure it was requested by someone so please send me a message thank you 🫶🏻

ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: su1c1de (Neil's attempt) but he is still in this. also sad. but we're used to it right?

sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Charlie and y/n visit Neil in the hospital after his attempt.


It has been exactly twenty-four hours since you woke up. It's been twenty-four long hours since everything seemed so different than how it was on Friday night.

When you woke up on Saturday morning, it was because Charlie shook your shoulder.

"Y/n, wake up." you heard a voice and opened your eyes, getting used to the bright light.

You immediately recognized his voice so, turning on your side you were met with his face. But something was wrong. He had tears down his face and everyone else was there. You sat up on the bed and turned to him.

"Charlie? What's wrong?" you asked, starting to panic and clenching your blanket more and more.

He looked at you, with a devastated look.

"Neil committed suicide."

Charlie's voice kept repeating itself over and over as your gaze was lost on the tiles in front of you. You were sat on one of the chairs in the endless corridor of the hospital, your elbows resting on your knees. Dried tears down your cheeks as others threatened to fall.

"Y/n," a voice called and you looked up.

Charlie handed you the coffee he went to get you and you took it, straightening up. He sat next to you, without saying a word.

Both of you didn't say anything for a few minutes, your fingers picking at the little spoon in your drink.

"Miss and Mister Perry?" a woman called as she got out of Neil's room.

You and Charlie turned your heads to see Neil's parents standing up. Miss Perry turned her head to you and back to her husband, while the nurse told them something you couldn't hear.

She walked toward you and you got up.

"You must be Y/n," she said and turned to Charlie she already knew, sending a smile you knew hide a lot of pain.

"Yes, it's me," you said with a smaller voice than intended.

"You both are really strong," she said and unexpectedly hugged you. You hugged her back and looked at Charlie who smiled at you.

"Neil told me a lot about you," she smiled when she pulled back "The nurse said we can go see him, so I thought you could be the first one. I know how important he must be to you."

You nodded at her, not knowing what to say or do. She stepped aside and you walked toward the door. Pushing down the handle, you didn't look back as you felt everyone else's gaze on you.

Neil was laying on the bed, looking out the window. The room was white, almost empty. Only the beeping of his heartbeats was heard.

"Neil" you called, still very close to the door, and he turned his head to you, a smile appearing on his face.

"Hey," he said and you walked closer, sitting on the edge of the bed.

You took Neil's hand in yours and allowed the tears to leave your eyes as you looked down at it. Neil saw it and sat up against the headboard, tightening his hands in his. You looked up at him and you both shared a look.

It was as if he was struggling to look you in the eyes. Which you understood.

"You scared me, us, a lot,"

"I'm sorry," he spoke up.

"It's alright," you replied, your hand coming up to his cheek.

"We both know it's not"

You looked into his eyes and saw nothing but sadness. Understanding he felt regrets and guilt, you brought him closer to you, allowing him to rest on your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your waist tightly and you wrap your around him.

"I'm sorry," he cried into your shoulder.

"It's okay. We're here now, and you can tell us everything," you said and pulled back enough to look at his face. "I'm here,"

Neil dried his tears with his hands and sat up back on the bed.

"Who else is here?" he asked, playing with the hem of the blanket.

"Your parents, and Charlie," you smiled, hoping this would give him a slight comfort.

Neil hummed in response and looked at the door.
"Can you call him, Charlie?"

You nodded and walked toward the door, passing your head through. Neil's parents got up from their chairs, and Charlie was already standing against the wall.

"He wants to see you, Charlie," you said and saw in the corner of your eyes the parents looking at each other. Your friend walked toward you and you let him in, sending an apologetic smile to your so-called in-laws.

"Well, you gonna have a great tan in here!" Charlie joked when he entered and walked toward his friend. You let out a little smile when Neil scoffed. Even though Chalie let out a sigh when tapping his friend's shoulder, he kept on this happy energetic mood he always wore.

The both of you sat on each side of Neil, and he immediately took your hands in his, as if you would disappear if he let go.

"We thought, us and the boys, that it would be great to not all burst in, give you a little bit of rest," Charlie spoke first and you nodded in agreement.

"How are they doing?" Neil asked and you looked at each other

"Well, they're okay. But how about you? How are you feeling?" Charlie asked

"Great. Just tired," he started but a knock on the door interrupted him. It was his own father, who asked if they could see their son, privately. Neil nodded at Charlie and you, and you both got out of the room.

You let out a sigh once out in the corridor and Charlie took you in his arms as you both let out a few much needed tears.

Eventually, Neil did come back from the hospital, about two weeks later. School was over for everyone, even though he would not have gone back in. Life got back to normal and he got better, having one he always wanted.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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