Chapter 16- Till the end

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[Time skip: Wedding Day]

Sitting before the mirror, I took a glance at myself. Taking a deep breathe, I adjusted my long, white and beautiful wedding dress. My hair neatly tied in a bun with few strands of hair hanging from the front. During my time in the hospital, Taehyung visited me almost daily. Jimin was by my side all the time, he didn't even go home. Jin and Namjoon visited me sometimes but mostly Taehyung. We decided to get married two weeks after I get discharged, so that I would get time to heal too. Everyone supported us. I once again joined as Taehyung's secretary and to be honest, that's something I enjoy doing the most. 

Thinking about the past, I smiled as I remembered the moments I and Taehyung spent together, heartbreaks, reuniting and finally, together till the end. My thoughts were interrupted when Jimin came in. He wore a blue suit and his hair neatly styled. 

"You look handsome" I complemented but he didn't reply anything

"Is anything wrong, Jimin?" I asked to which he nodded

"You're getting married, what will I do without you? How will I live without you?" he said and my eyes softened. I hugged him as he started sobbing. I tried my best not to cry and tried giving a smile and rubbed his back. Soon Jin and Namjoon came in. Jimin pulled away from hugging me and looked at the two males standing.

"Wait, was Jimin crying just now?" Jin asked to which I nodded

"Of course he would, his sister is getting married I mean who wouldn't?" Namjoon spoke

"I told him not cry but he just won't listen. Previously he wanted me to leave the house and now when I'm actually leaving he won't let me go" I replied as they both chuckled

"That-t was different-t" Jimin replied while whipping his tears

"Y/n, are you ready?" Jin asked. Taking a deep breathe, I replied

"Do I look like I'm ready? My hands are sweating even when there's air conditioner, legs are shaking and my breathing is uneven, do I still look ready?" I asked and they all laughed

"Jin Hyung let's go. We have to get Taehyung ready too" Namjoon said

"Yes, you both come out after 15 minutes. A lady will come to inform you when everything is ready okay?" I nodded and they left. After few minutes, a lady probably with the organizer came in and asked us to come outside. I stood up adjusting my long and heavy gown. Gosh, how does rich people manage such long and heavy gowns? Taking a bouquet in one hand and other hand linked to Jimin's arm we entered the hall. Seeing us, everyone started cheering. 

The hall was beautifully decorated with white and pink flowers. Lacy decorations on the wall, fairy lights and a sweet aroma. The guest were seated in round table on either side of the stages and the aisle. Looking up and my eyes met Taehyung. Wearing a black suit, along with black shoes. His hairs were neatly styled than usual. He even wore a bowtie which completed his look. He looked like an angles straight from heaven. 

I smiled to myself as all our memories flashed before my eye. Since the first day, I saw him, a cold and arrogant man sitting on a chair in his office waiting for his secretary to arrive is now standing in front of me waiting for his soon to be wife to arrive. The same man who was once a rude person is now treating me like a princess. The same man who didn't believe in love has promised to stay by my side till the end. He's the same, Mr. Vice Chairman with whom I fell in love three years ago and am still in love with him. 

Reaching the stage, Jimin gently removed my hand as I stepped up on the stage. Standing in front of him, I felt butterflies in my stomach. He gave me a warm smile which I returned. The rings were brought and after exchanging the rings, the priest said to Taehyung,

"Do you, Kim Taehyung take Park Y/n as your wedded wife?" 

"Yes, I do" he replied and held my hand

"Do you, Park Y/n take Kim Taehyung as your wedded husband?"

"Yes, I do" I replied and we both smiled

"Now, I officially announce you both as husband and wife" The priest said and everyone among the guests started cheering and clapping. Jimin started crying again and Namjoon tried to calm his down seeing which I chuckled. 

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest said. Taehyung turned towards me, pulling me closer by my waist and soon I felt his soft lips on mine. If someone said that a kiss could bring back memories then yes, it did! I could see ourselves in the same park near our office, where we kissed for the first time. The same feeling could be felt. We pulled away as we heard Jin and Namjoon clearing their throat.

"Guys, this is not your cabin and this time not only us but there are 500 other people too so control okay?" Jin said to which I giggled.

"You look beautiful, sister in law right?" Namjoon asked

"Yes, and you too look handsome" I complemented

"We have the prettiest sister in law, right dad?" Jin asked to Taehyung's father or maybe, my dad too?

"Yes, my daughter in law is prettier than my own sons" 

"Yah!" three of them yelled in sync to which we burst out laughing. 

"Happy married life Taehyung, and please don't break any beds. We don't have much bed anyways" Jin Hyung said

"And don't go too hard on my sister" Jimin added

"I can't guarantee that" he replied to both of them and winked

"I think you guys are aware that I'm standing right here" I said and we giggled

"Now shall we make some babies? How about 5?" Taehyung said and winked at me

"Yah! What are you planning to make? A football team or your own empire huh?" and we started laughing.

"Finally, till the end" he said as he held my hand to which I nodded

"I love you so much, Secretary Y/n" he said showing his famous boxy smile

"I love you more, Mr. Vice Chairman" 

Believe in yourself and your love and that's what matters. No matter whatever the problem is, have faith in each other. Don't let a being distant from each other affect your love. At the end, people who love each other truly are destined by faith. Just like me and Taehyung believed in each other, that's what matters. At the end, I'm married to the love of my life, Kim Taehyung? No, but my Mr. Vice Chairman. 

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