Chapter 4- He cares for me?

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Jungkook dropped me home. He is a very sweet guy, on our way home we talked about all kinds of things, our likes, dislikes. He is just opposite to my annoying brother who was continuously bickering me while I was on my phone.

"Y/n, please make me some ramen, please?" he said with puppy eyes

"It's your stomach, go make for yourself!" 

"Please, I'll buy you new jeans, I promise"


"Pinky Promise!" he said and I went to the kitchen to cook some ramen for him. While cooking, I heard Jimin calling me.

"Y/n, you're phone is ringing. The caller id is.... Mr. Vice Chairman" hearing those last words, I rushed in my room and immediately answered the call.

"Hello? Hello? Mr. Vice Chairman?" I said as nobody answered 

"Secr... Y/n...." he said breathing heavily

"Mr. Vice Chairman? Are you okay? Hello? Hello-" and the phone got disconnected

"What happened?" Jimin asked in confusion

"I think something's wrong. He would never call without a reason, I think I should go" I said as I grabbed my coat and purse and went towards his house.

"Yah! Who's gonna make my ramen!" Jimin yelled

"Make it yourself!" I yelled and grabbed a taxi. After a 20 minutes drive, I finally reached his house and it was huge. I was about to knock on the door but I found it open, seeing which made me worried even more. The lights were switched on, but there was no one. As far I know, Mr. Vice Chairman lives with his brothers, but it seems no one is home. 

"Mr. Vice Chairman?" I said quietly but still no reply. I went to a room whose door was opened, it was dark in there. I somehow gathered strength and went in.

"Mr. Vice Chairman?" I said again, that's when someone sitting my the bed came and hugged me tightly. I was shocked. The person was shaking terribly, that's when I realized he was no one other than, Mr. Vice Chairman.

"Mr. Vice Chairman, are you okay?" I asked as he was breathing heavily

"Y/n- that... that lady... she'll lock me again... she will..." he said while he continued to shake and breathe heavily as he hugged me. I rubbed his back and tried to calm him down.

"Mr. Vice Chairman, no one is here, I'm here" I said

"No... she is there... she'll lock.. lock me up again" he said stuttering clearly he had a nightmare. Somehow managed to make him standup and laid him on his bed while I went to switch on the lights. He stopped shaking but he was still breathing heavily. I gave him a glass of water to calm him down. 

"Here, drink this water. It will help you" I said as he drank the water. He was sweating. I was comforting him when I heard some voices outside.

"Yes and that's why..... oh my holy shit! Taehyung are you okay?" It was Chairman Kim Seokjin

 "And, Secretary Y/n? What are you doing here?" President Kim Namjoon asked

"Actually, Mr. Vice Chairman called me and his voice showed that he was not fine so I came to check and he had a nightmare" I said as I bowed to both of them.

"Yah! Why would you switch off your phones! Do you want me to die!" Mr. Vice Chairman yelled

"Taehyung, our battery died. We never thought that you would have another nightmare cause before we left you were doing just fine" Chairman Kim Seokjin said

"President Kim, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked and he nodded. We both came out in the living, while Chairman Kim stayed with Mr. Vice Chairman

"I know I'm being a little too personal but when I came, Mr. Vice Chairman said that a lady was trying to lock him up, but he didn't mention that she was his mother. May I ask why?" 

"You see, Taehyung was youngest among all of us when that incident happened and it traumatized him so much and he couldn't accept the fact that his own mother had locked him up and starved him that he wiped off his own memory"

"Wiped off?"

"Yes, one day he fainted and after regaining consciousness he completely forgot that he had a mother. All he knew that he was locked in basement and starved by an unknown women and we didn't force him to remember anything cause it would be better for him" he said and I nodded. We went into Mr. Vice Chairman's room, and he was in a sober state. Chairman Kim was sitting next to him. 

"Secretary Y/n, I'm sorry for calling you late night but you see, I had no other option and my hyungs didn't pick up calls. I was desperate" he said

"Mr. Vice Chairman, it's okay. If you need me, I'm always here" I said. Wait, was this basically flirting? No, I was just comforting him, right?

"Always here huh?" Chairman Kim said in a teasing way, while I avoided eye contact because I was embarrassed now.

"I should probably go now.. goodnight" I said and was about to leave when Mr. Vice Chairman said,

"Secretary Y/n, should I drop you home?"

"Yah! Don't try to be a hero! Take care of your health!" Chairman Kim yelled

"But Hyung! It's past 11! It's dangerous for her to go home late night" 

"I'll drop her but Taehyung take care of your health and Hyung keep an eye on him." 

"Fine!" Mr. Vice Chairman said and me and President Kim left. While driving way back to my home, President Kim suddenly spoke,

"You know, Taehyung never cared so much for anyone else"


"He didn't wanted to leave you alone because it's late night. He rarely cares so much for anyone. He even wanted to drive you home, despite his condition. Isn't it strange?" he said in a teasing manner while I just looked down

"I'm his secretary, maybe that's the reason"

"Whatever the reason is, I can assure you on thing. He cares for you. He definitely does"

"He cares for me?" I thought

Mr. Vice Chairman [Kim Taehyung ff]Where stories live. Discover now