Chapter 6- flirting

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[After lunchtime, Mr. Vice Chairman's Cabin]

"Sir may I come in?" I asked and went in after he hummed in response. He was standing in front of the mirror trying to fix his tie I guess.

"Secretary Y/n"


"Do you know how to fix a tie?" he asked while looking at the mirror

"Yes sir I do" I replied with a smile

"Then can you please fix it? It's been crooked after... what you did.. during the...lunchtime" he said while clearing his throat while I looked down to avoid eye contact maybe I was shy rather than being embarrassed but why am I shy?

"Sure sir" I said and I walked towards him. I stood in front of him and removed his tie, after making a few knots, I wrapped it around his neck and continued fixing his tie. I didn't realize that we were standing so close to each other, there was barely any space left between us but I didn't notice instead Mr. Vice Chairman did notice because of which he avoided eye contact. I was fixing his tie when someone came in,

"Taehyung when.... oh my I'm so sorry!" It was President Kim Namjoon seeing him, my grip around his tie tightened and I didn't notice.

"President Kim?" I asked while my grip tightened

"Secretary Y/n... you're-e... choking-g" he said as he continued to tap on my hand that's when I realized I was literally choking him. I let go of his tie and he started breathing heavily.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry Mr. Vice Chairman should I-"

"You can go now" he said

"I'm sorry, Mr. Vice Chairman" I said and bowed to him and president Kim and left. Oh god, it's so embarrassing! I need something to empty my mind.

[Time skip: Nighttime, at a restaurant]

"I don't know what to do" I whined as I gulped down a glass of Soju

"It's again your Mr. Vice Chairman right?" Jimin said

"No! There are many other topics I should be worried other than him" I said denying the fact but Jimin knew me well.

"You're obsessed with him" he said as he ate sweet and spicy pork ribs

"That's ridiculous why will I-"

"Mr. Vice Chairman!" he said pointing at the door

"Where!?" I said and stood up looking for him while Jimin started laughing 

"See! He's on your mind 24/7!" he said and I didn't reply anything. Somewhere I felt it was true, he is on my mind 24/7 for no reason while somewhere I felt it's not right. It's just a business relationship, it's nothing but just a distraction for me. I was lost in my thoughts when Jimin said,

"You both are just flirting with each other"

"What? flirting?" I said as I was quiet shocked

"Yes. Everything that you've told me until now which happened between you and him, it's like you both are just flirting. Maybe he wants to fulfil his sexual need? What if he asks you to be friends with benefits? what if he-"

"Yah! You should stop watching so many kdramas! Nothing of this is going to happen, and firstly I would never allow anyone to play with my heart!" I said as I continued to eat. After five to six minutes, my phone rang and it was from Mr. Vice Chairman

"Hello? Mr. Vice Chairman? Are you alright is something wrong?"

"Secretary Y/n, nothing's alright...nothing-g..." he sounded like he was crying

"Mr. Vice Chairman, you're not cry aren't you?"

"Secretary Y/n, can we meet at the park by the company?"

"Yes sir, please take care. I'll be right there" I said and left immediately. 

[Before the phone call]

Taehyung's POV


"Taehyung I know. I tested the medicine three times but after the release they are claiming that it has drugs as few people are having side effects!" Jin Hyung said

"That's possible because those people have been drug addicts, I've checked their records and it's true but they aren't willing to take back their words" Namjoon Hyung

"Just because of these few drug addicts, I can't risk the jobs of 10,000 people working under me!" 

"We need to show them the evidence before it takes a wild turn what do you say?" Namjoon Hyung asked and I couldn't think of anything.

"I-I need some air, you both can discuss and let me know" with that I left

"Taehyung-" Namjoon Hyung was about to say when Jin Hyung stopped him

"Let him go. He needs some time alone"

I couldn't process what to do. I feared loosing everything. I couldn't see others cry because of me, it hurts so much. I left the company and sat on a bench in the park nearby. Not knowing what to do, I called Secretary Y/n. I don't know why her but I felt like she was the one I should call. I called her and asked her to come here while tears started to roll down my cheeks.

End of POV

I hurried towards the park as I new something was wrong. Mr. Vice Chairman's voice sounded like he was crying, it's not an hallucination cause then he wouldn't ask me to meet at the park, it's something else. I reached the park and started searching for him. Soon, I spotted him, wearing an over sized coat over his work outfit, he held his face in his hands and I guess he was crying. Seeing him like this, I don't know why my heart clenched. I walked up to him and stood next to him. 

"Mr. Vice Chairman?" I said and he looked up. His eyes were puffy and red from crying

"Secretary-y Y/n..." he said while sniffing

"Are you okay, is-" before I could complete, he stood up, catching my wrist he pulled me towards him and seconds later I felt his soft lips on mine. His hands which rested around my waist tightened while I was shocked at first but soon responded to his kiss. My hands made their way around his neck while deepening the kiss. I don't know why he kiss me and why was he crying?. It felt wrong and correct at the same time. It was a mixed feeling. 

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