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"What are you doing here?"

Dream and Angelica sat up in synch, staring at each other as sun peaked in and the sprinkling stopped. She eyed him and he eyed her, the two staring at each other to make sure that they were really real.

"You look beautiful," he complimented and she bit back her amie, nodding as she pursed her lips. She looked away from him, continuing to slowly nod.

"And you look ugly," she retorted. "One thing we don't have in common."

Dream lowly laughed and looked away, staring at the flowers that Miss Maira had planted since she had wanted a garden for a long time.

"I-I," Dream stuttered before inhaling and letting out a sigh, "I want to apologize for... kissing you and basically running away. I am going to get straight to the point and... I love you."

"What?" Angelica immediately looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed. She looked around as if looking for someone else before she told herself she was the only person. "Me?"

"Yes, you idiot," Dream snickered before his smile slowly vanished. "I know it took me long and I know you might be mad at the fact that I kissed you and basically drifted away from you, but I was scared. I was scared that as soon as I kissed you and our feelings were out, you would notice I'm a mess. That you would notice that I'm not... this person as I pretend to be on streams or anything like that.

I had my own troubles, too, and those troubles were that I was still living in the past. I saw my ex after I kissed you and I believed that I would do you wrong. That you would notice me and leave me. I kissed you because I liked you, but I got afraid I wouldn't be enough for you. My ex claimed she loved me, she kissed me, but would then around and cheat on me. When I would confront her, I had to be careful with what I said because I was afraid she would hit me as she usually would do. But, I talked to her."

Angelica looked at him and he stared off, not wanting to look at her.

"She's getting the help she needs," Dream continued. "She is becoming the person I wished she was instead of the person I was afraid of on a daily. I was still living in that past and I'm still working on myself. I just found a bit of closure knowing, too, that I can finally move on without feeling guilty."

Dream now looked at the girl beside him as she stayed quiet and he patiently waited for her to say something, playing with his fingers.

"I talked to my mom," Angelica broke the silence and Dream glanced at her as she closed her eyes, enjoying the sounds of the birds around her. "I told her what I felt, what she did to me. I finally stood up to her because I needed to tell her every wrong shit she did to me. I told her my insecurities, I told her everything. I told her that she was the cause of everything, except my anxiety, that I always compared myself to others, that I always have trouble eating because of her comments, and that I always felt like complete garbage because she made me believe my efforts were worthless.

When I told her, she apologized to me, but, even though she never told me she loved me, at least I got the closure I needed when she apologized for everything she has told me majority of my life. It reassured me that those words came out of anger and not honesty."

Dream smiled a bit before nudging her shoulder. "I'm proud of you for standing up to her."

Angelica smiled back at him and nudged him back. "And I'm proud of you for standing up to her, and stop apologizing for what you did. I understand that you were scared. I was scared, too, to be honest."


"Well, because I am just as fucked up as you," Angelica shrugged. "I thought my issues would make you run away because I am a mess. I thought you were also going to... deny me just like everyone used to when I was at school."

"Hmm," Dream shook his head, "so we just assumed what the other would think, right?"

"Pretty much."

"We're idiots," Dream chuckled breathlessly before he looked at her again. "Are you still in love with me?"

"What type of question is that?" Angelica started to laugh. "You sound like a middle schooler."

"Shut up," Dream wheezed. "Now answer my question."

"What if I say no?"

"Then it's okay. I want to be your friend."

"If I say yes?"

"Then I will die a happy man," Dream cheekily retorted, causing the girl to shake her head at his words. Angelica pushed him away softly and he could simply laugh, holding himself with one hand.

"I can't believe I have feelings for your ass," the girl could simply say and Dream held a hand to his chest, a pained expression forming on his face as a joke.

"Ah, my heart," he joked before he laughed at the way she simply looked at him. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. So... Can I say that cheesy line?"

"If you say 'Can you be mine?' I'm going to slap the shit out of you before you can say 'hi' to Gumbo," Angelica smiled at hearing his wheeze. He grabbed her hand and placed in on his lip, thumb running against her tattoos.

"If you're my girlfriend," Dream hummed, "can I still gift you with strawberry shortcakes?"

"Is that even a question? Free strawberry shortcakes!"

"So, that's a yes to being my girlfriend?" Dream wiggled his eyebrows at the girl and the girl feigned a bored sigh.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Whatever?" Dream scoffed. "What does that mean?"

"You will be a pain," Angelica could simply say. The two laughed before she tightened her hold on his hand. "Can we be honest with each other by now? I don't want us to have this issue again."

"Please," Dream groaned softly, dropping his forehead by her shoulder. "Also, I'm sorry for everything still. I shouldn't have led you on like that."

"Dream, you didn't lead me on," Angelica snorted. "I know that the other times when you were there for me wasn't you leading me on. It was you being a friend and I appreciate you for that."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Do you still love me?"

"Yes, I still love you, you idiot."

"And I love you, shortcake."


I felt bad so here ya go 😭
I'm sorry for leaving you
in a cliffhanger, now I fed
you all

You're welcome.

Are you guys happy? I am!!!

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