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Angelica's lips tasted like the hot chocolate they had drank. Her lips were soft, Dream noted. They were so soft. Maybe because she always put chapstick on or always used that remedy with sugar and something else he forgot about. They felt nice.

Angelica, on the other hand, was in shock, clearly not expecting the night to go this way. She quickly relaxed into his hold, though, when she remembered what was going on, and she felt her heart flutter at the way Dream pulled her closer, cradling her face with both of his hands.

It didn't last as long as Angelica wanted it to because Dream had instantly pulled away when he felt her hand on the back of his neck, bringing him back to... now. He quickly yanked his hands away from her face and took a few steps back, in shock with what he had done, staring at his hands as if they were burning. And when he looked at Angelica, God...

She was there, he knew she was there in front if him, but all he could really see is his ex-girlfriend. That's the only thing he could see. Not Angelica, not nobody else, but his ex-girlfriend who hurt him. He only sees the memories of his past and the pain he felt when bruises littered some parts of his skin. He remembered the pain and the tears that would fall down his face, too, late at midnight much like this one. How come he saw a different girl that wasn't the one he admired?

Before Angelica could utter anything, Dream had walked away, shaking his head. Closing the sliding door behind him as he walked towards his room.

Angelica stood frozen in her spot, playing with her hands as she wondered what had happened. But, all she could focus on was the look of disgust Dream had on his face when he had glanced at her.

Ignoring the hollow pain in her chest, Angelica whistled to Gumbo and Patches to come inside, which they did, quickly following after her as if they knew what she felt. They probably did. Anyone could probably tell what she felt because she felt stupid. She felt so stupid! She shouldn't have kissed him back. She shouldn't have.

As much as she wanted to sleep, Angelica had that movie marathon with George, so she FaceTimed him.

"Is the camera off?" George answered with his eyes shut, having not seen the girl's face yet.

"Give me a few," Angelica breathed out, taking out her laptop and opening up Netflix. "I'm logging in."

"So, how'd your thing with Dream go?" He asked with his hand still covering his eyes. Angelica told him to uncover them as she flipped the camera to her computer, letting out a sigh.

"He kissed me."

"What?" George exclaimed, a shocked expression now etched on his face, replacing his smile. "You don't sound too happy... Uh, oh. What happened?"

"He walked away before any of us could say anything," Angelica simply explained before shaking her head. "Whatever. Lets just... Let's just not talk about it. I-I don't want to think about it."

"Yeah, yeah," George nodded. "Understandable. Do you want to see the buttons film? I like watching that one."

Angelica chuckled, knowing that wasn't true, but she smiled. "Yeah, we both know you get scared, George. Don't try to deny it. You yelled so loud the first time you saw it."

"I didn't yell," George scoffed before quieting. "I just... I made a noise of our happiness."

"Yeah, Coraline finding the ghosts indicating that the girls died is such a happy scene," Angelica shook her head at his words. George was just grateful he got her speaking about another subject and get her to pay attention to the argument he knew was awaiting for them.

"I didn't yell."

"Yeah, you did. You yelled so loud and high-pitched that I was sure Gumbo could freaking hear you."

"That's not true," George snorted. "Wait, I want to see Gumbo. Let me see my good friends." Angelica looked for her dog and found him laying next to Patches. She faced the camera their way and George aw'ed. "Aw, I miss him. Is that Patches?" He received a hum in response. "That's adorable."

"Pretty funny how our pets love each other and that says a lot considering they're different breeds," Angelica softly chuckled and George could hear the sadness coming from it, "but it's pretty funny since Dream and I are just... No."

"Hey," Angelica stared at her friend's face, "you know, I would have a huge crush on you if I didn't view you as a sister."

Angelica snorted next, shaking her head at George's friend despite him not being able to see her. "Was that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Yes," George nodded.

"You're unbelievable jackass," Angelica breathed out, getting comfortable in her chair before sighing as she fell back on her head.

"Other than that situation," George began, "how was the rest?"

"Good," Angelica whispered as if she spoke any louder, Dream would hear her despite him being in the basement. "We drank hot chocolate, I called him old, we were talking about what we would wish for if a shooting star passed in front of our eyes, and just messed around. It wasn't until I stood up after he was tickling me did he stand up, too, and-and he saw... he saw petals on my hair and stepped closer to take it off. He just... He just looked at me."

George could hear the pain in her voice. He knew this was the first person who she deeply liked. He's heard of all the other people she's confessed to who later rejected her. He's heard of how they all stared at her with some type of disgust and would instead choose her older sister instead of her.

"And then," Angelica continued, "he kissed me. He pulled me closer and just as I reacted to the kiss and brushed my skin against his... He backed away and just looked at me with this look that I felt so embarrassed. He later walked away and just... Headed to his room. What a guy, huh?"

He could hear the sad laughter escaping her lips as she pressed okay on the movie. He sighed.

"Let's just forget about him and just watch this film, yeah? Maybe you'll like hearing my yells."


"What the hell is wrong with you, you freak?" Angelica laughed a little at hearing his words. George felt his face burn with embarrassment and smiled widely, shaking his head while rolling his eyes.

"Shut up. I didn't mean it in a sexual way."

"Woah, George! You freak!"



Hah, losers!

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about your pain and anger,
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