Late Night Call

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Our night ended with mixed emotions. I could read all my brothers very well and we were caught off guard today. Sang was beautiful. I mean really really beautiful. Dr. Greens story made since, I could picture all the details and I even put myself in his shoes. Envisioning me there for Sang instead of him.

He was really lucky to find someone like her. She sounded amazing and I for some reason wanted to get to know her too. What are you thinking Kota? You have a girlfriend. Shes great, she's nice, she's sweet. Why was she on board with the other girls? I never seen her behavior like this before.

My phone rang and it was Alexa. I sighed and sat on my bed to answer it. I was tired, and today was... interesting. But I needed to talk to her, I needed to figure out why she acted they way she did towards Sang.

"Hey sweetie," I answered taking off my glasses and rubbing my eye.

"Hey, so you back at home?" Her voice was chipper.

"Yeah, me and Nathan are back at our apartment. Why are you asking?"

"Oh, no reason. Just wanted to make sure you made it home safely. So how was you guys meeting. Did you talk with Sean? What's the story?" She pushed out.

"It's not place to tell. It's Sean's history and you really don't need to worry about it, okay?"

"Are you sure Kota. Alicia said Sarah was really upset. I don't like her, I mean...I don't trust that girl Kota-"

"Alexa sweetie stop, you dont even know her. This was a complete surprise for Sean, and I'm guessing for Sang as well. Th-"

"So they were together? When was this?"

"A long time ago sweetie, just...can you stop? None of us knows her and already the girls are believing gossip."

"What if they are true Kota?"

"There's no way to know, and why are you so insisted on making Sang the bad guy, bad girl, bad person here? You didn't even get to know her."

"Okay, I'm sorry-"

"This isnt like you Alexa. What's going on? All you girls made it obvious on attacking her with questions."

"Your taking her side?"

"What? No, but-"

"Do you like her Kota? Why are you defending her, she's obviously a little slut that enjoys more cock with great looking dogs-"

"Alexa!!!! Stop!!" I haven't raised my voice like that in awhile. But Alexa was pushing some buttons, buttons I didn't even know I had. "Look, I don't know what's going on with you girls, but you need to stop assuming things and calling Sang those names. I never seen you like this and it has me thinking-"

"Kota, I-"

"Can you just stop?! For me? What I know is that Sang and Sean are special to each other. She'll be leaving town and I don't know what will happen from there. Okay? It's no one business. It's not our business, and she's a friend to Gabriel and Luke now. They got to met her properly and hang out with her, all I heard were positive things. So, just stop. Don't judge a book by its cover." I sighed out. We haven't really argued before and we were in 5 months into our relationship.

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