Penny for Your Thoughts

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The other day was a blast. It's all I could think about. I even dreamed about it. Well...only me and Sang were spending the day together alone. She looked breathtaking in all the dresses she put on, and each one gave me a different fantasy.

Why was I thinking of her and not Summer? I had a girlfriend I've been with for like...6 months now. But I guess lately we haven't been clicking. I think she knows it too. I hurts when ever I see her now, she's always on her phone smiling.

My gut tells me it's another guy, or maybe even a couple of them. She could catch any guys attention if she wanted. She definitely caught mine. I tried to think over the last couple weeks on what made our relationship shift, but I came up with nothing.

I wanted to sneak on after her when she said she needed to go places, but she was like me. That's why we clicked, and if she found out I was following her, well....that might be the end of it.

The ball was starting soon, all the girls went off to the salon and back to a hotel room to get ready together. I didn't understand why they couldn't come here to Mr. B's place, it was large enough.

I was in the kitchen making my self a snack, regretting to ignore Gabriel's text when he said he was going to help the Toma Team out. He was going to barbie Sang out. I missed his stupid text because North forced me to shower and start getting ready for tonight.

I spent a little too much time, wanting to look good. But also because I kept replaying the other day. I wanted a dance with Sang, and I wanted to look good for her for some reason, she was a new friend.

I took a bite of my Nutella on toast. Thank God for whoever came up with the chocolatey goodness. I swear!! North all about cursed the person and wanted to blow up their company. He even thought it was a good idea to get Raven drunk to help him.

"You better put that away, North will be down soon." Sean said sneaking up on me. I rarely get caught off guard, but Sang on my mind...getting caught and yelled at by my baby bro is so worth it.

I quickly put it away and stashed my chocolately love inside the empty disinfectant wipes container that was below the sink, with the other cleaning stuff. Way in the back.

"Everyone ready yet?" I asked leaving my mess for Mr.B to clean up. Hehe. He likes doing that stuff, cleaning, planting, making sure everything is in its place. What a perfectionist!

"I think so, both the limo's are outside. We'll pick up the girls and head out. You'll probably see less of me tonight. Dr. Roberts wants me to try and get as much funding for the hospitals pediatric wing." He sighed. "You think you can do me a favor?"

I mentally cringed at his question, I already feel like I'm not going to want to do it. But he's my friend, my brother. I nodded my head and shrugged. Hoping he wouldn't pick up in my lack of interest. "Sure man, what did you need?"

"Can you dance with Sarah a couple times? I don't want her to feel left out. Dr. Roberts wanted to introduce me to someone that's been very generous to the hospital, wants me to persuade them into transferring. I've heard they're hard to convince. So it may take most my time, and... taking rich peoples money." He fixed his tie, looking presentable.

We're all in black suits, different color button up shirts that match our masks. Black ties and shiny shoes. Sean's were purple of course, mine being light blue. All our masks are of an animal, Gabriel out did himself on these. Hope the girls approve.

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