The Water Zoo

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When we left the Blackbourne residence, none of us said anything. We all wanted to ask questions but one look at Sang...we couldn't. She was hurting and I didn't know how to fix it. She was between the twins in the back seat, Corey had his arm around her. Raven was beside as I drove and Marc was way in the back in the third row seats. I liked that we could all fit.

These past few weeks were the best of our lives. I could see it, feel it. There was more joy and laughter in the house, within each other, and it felt like we had to let her go. I- I had to let her go.

She was in love with Sean, I could see it in her eyes. They loved each other, never stopped loving each other. I mentally shook my head, I couldn't think on that right now. I decided on a destination, something I wanted to do for awhile. 30 minutes later we arrived at my work. The aquarium.

Once I put the car in park, it seemed to have woken everybody up from their long distance daydreams and thoughts. We all got out and into the warm sunny day. Sang took a look around a bit confused, "where are we?"

"Come Love, we're at a place I wanted to show you for awhile now. And you'll be leaving soon, I didn't want you to miss out on an opportunity like this." I told her coming forth to take her hand. She smiled up at me. Damn. So was always so beautiful, her light pink shirt match her cheeks and her light blue skirt she had on showed off her legs that went on for miles. She wore her favorite white converse with shoe strings that have a raccoon and little tree thing on it.

Her hair was strait down and went passed her fine ass. There was so many colors that shone under the sun. She step beside me and we walked towards the entrance, I showed my badge and nodded behind me at my brothers. They were always welcome here free of charge.

"I can smell the ocean already." I laughed at Sangs cheerful voice. Worries gone at the moment and it was time for her to enjoy the day. I gave her a map and we asked where she wanted to start first. I, of course gave her the best experience and took her behind the scenes. She fed the penguins, cuddled with the otters, and touched the dolphins.

At lunch we ate a the cafe, and I told her more stories about my marine adventures. Brandon told her about the great place he loved to surf, Marc said great coffees were found along the beach because the view on the horizons were like an extra shot of Expresso. Raven like to be on boats and Corey hated the smell of fish.

Sang was so easy to talk to, and she was easy to read. But not today. Today she blocked it out, she fought off her emotions and it was killing her. I never wanted her to hide what she was feeling. When we were done eating we finished looking at everything, I took her to my office. There were several fish tanks that held things in them and a circular one in the middle of the room that had some starfish and some other small harmless life in it. The room was a bit dark but light from the tanks made it bearable to see.

She touch the tip of the water rippling it, "bioluminescence" she breathe out making me grin. She was so smart. She leaned in taking a closer look, she was memorized by the glow it made. I wish I could watch her all day, but we needed some answers.

When Corey said he asked her out, I thought they were girlfriend and boyfriend. And then what he had with Raven. He didn't want to make their relationship night we had a family meeting, we included Sang. We told her about our history sharing bird, how it went and how it ended. We asked if she wanted to try because we all liked her. She liked us and needed some time to think about. A week later she said yes, and we were all excited. Just yesterday she asked how things were going to work. She wanted to go home back to Oregon, she loved working there and being apart of the community.

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