Special || Evelyn's POV

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When Lee Minho said those words on my TV, I hastily switched it off and laid back down my bed. My bed where I've spent everyday reading and watching things about love, love I would never experience in my life.

I blamed my mother. I blamed everything on her. The moment I was born, she had already decided that I would be homeschooled and I never had a say in it. I've been homeschooled all my life and with that came the socially awkward person I was, yet I hid it quite well. I never ever know what to do in social situations, all I do is pretend that I'm some sort of bug bitch that no one could hurt, a bitch that had her whole life figured out but it wasn't true.

My childhood was physically taken away from me. I didn't get to experience my first fall from the monkey bars, my first bully in middle school, my first boyfriend in high school and I wasn't okay with that. The only thing my mother agreed to was that I could be friends with our neighbor, Aria. Yeah, she was a good friend but we both knew that it was kind of forced. I had no one else my age to talk to and she pitied me.

I was excited when father brought Henry home, he was handsome and a gentleman in all aspects. No, I wasn't in love with him nor did I fall for him like it must've looked like. I was excited, I was in love with the feeling of finally having someone other than Aria. I thought I would finally be able to brag about having a fiancé like Aria always did but I was wrong, once again. I thought that henry would be my first kiss, my first love but nope, he fell in love with the help.

Amelia. She was the same age as me and she was beautiful, she was kind and if she were born into a rich family, she would've had everything. She would've had a boyfriend and a while lot of friends but unfortunately, life wasn't what we wanted. I hated Amelia, I did but it was because of her innocent attitude. Everyone instantly fell in love with her the moment she opened her mouth and she wasn't even afraid as I was to speak up when she's surrounded by people.

She even managed to make Henry fall for her but how? Henry didn't seem like that type of guy who could be manipulated by anyone yet he fell so easily for her. In the back of my mind I knew exactly what was going on.

Amelia saw a great opportunity to get back at me for everything I said and did to her. She was smart and decided to hurt me, she went for henry only because he was mine. I could see right through her innocent facade and she would pay.

She would pay for this and I would get back at her, even if she ends up going to Cappadocia where Henry is from. They would both pay and so would all the help who knew of Amelia's plans. I would speak to father and get them fired, I knew exactly who it was.

Harper and Elizabeth.

So, there you can see a bit into Evelyn's mind and what she made of the situation. Tell me what you think of her now and if you have any questions for her, feel free to ask away.
Also, if you know who Lee Minho is....I FREAKING LOVE YOU! I'm such a fan of kdramas and if you are too, let me know who your favorite character is.
PS. Evelyn was watching 'Legend Of The Blue Seas'. She was watching the episode where the mermaid and Lee went out into the snow and they fell and he ask asked her to say 'saranghae' so that he could see if it matched the voice that kept coming into his dream. The way he blushed when she said it....eeeeikkkk, awe moment right there.
Thank you reading, commenting and voting. Mwah!

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