Chapter 14 || The Meeting

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Henry's POV

"Why does it look like we're about to discuss something really important?" Mrs Thompson asked and I rolled my eyes.

Since the first day I met up with the Thompsons, she has been annoying me and I had no idea why. She just had this personality that seemed as if she wanted to control everyone and everything she set her eyes on. I felt sorry for her daughters and that was even more reason for me to get Amelia the hell out of here, she deserved so much better than this.

"Mother would you relax?" Evelyn giggled, snaking her arm around my bicep and I wasn't surprised when all I felt was irritated. "I bet I know why he called us here." She smirked and sat down next to me on the couch in the living room.

Normally when Amelia did that, I felt confident and wanted and a smirk would involuntarily make it's way to my face but that wasn't the case with Evelyn. I was all for Amelia, like I was made exactly for her and she for me.

"You do?" Mr Thompson asked. "Did you guys plan something? Like move the wedding date closer?" My eyes nearly widened and I had to school my features real fast.

There was no way I could imagine a future with Evelyn anymore. Amelia was back in my life she was all I could see in every part of my life. My company comes second while she came first and I was confident that I could save the company in a other way. A way that involved Amelia.

"No." I stated way too quickly and their heads snapped my way.

I cleared my throat and motioned for Mr Thompson who was still standing to take a seat on the couch in front of us. Mr Thompson and I got along well and he was a great man but he had his weaknesses, his company. He would more than anything to keep it on top and that was where we were different people.

"Then what is wrong?" Mrs Thompson once again opened her mouth.

It really irritated me that she had something to say about evert little thing. She even commented on my wardrobe and posters in my room. Apparently, she never heard someone so in love with alternative rock. I never saw anyone so in love with herself.

"This is about our deal." I sighed, waiting for their reaction.

I was sure that at some point, Mr Thompson would understand but the Mrs on the other hand. She was certainly going to lose it.

"Our deal?" Mrs Thompson asked. "You mean your engagement." She stated, eyeing me once again like all the other times I called our deal in fact a deal.

Everyone in the room knew that we were only supposed to get married for business, I'm sure the entire world would pick up on it. So I didn't see why it affected her so much when I called it that.

"Yes, that." I stated, frustration slowly making it's way through my veins. "I want to call it off." I stated simply because that was all it was.

It was as simple as canceling a order. The dumbfounded look on Mrs Thompson's face told me that she thought the complete opposite and Evelyn's arm moved from against me as she gasped. Come on, it wasn't like she didn't know that we weren't really in lobe and that it was my decision at the end of the day.

Evelyn has tried to make her move on me on more than one occasion and I actually did allow her to but my heart always stopped me, it always cried out for Amelia. I couldn't give my heart to Evelyn and there was nothing I could do about it. I would've been feeling guilty by now but the way Evelyn treats Amelia, I really didn't care whether her gasp meant that she was hurt or not.

"What?" Mrs Thompson asked and I shrugged.

This was really non of her business and I had no idea why she still wanted to make decisions. How did Mr Thompson even fall in love with her? She was complete control freak, even Jackson didn't like her and he was exactly the same.

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