chapter nine ; knight in shining.. jeans?

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"You guys are so heavy," I complained, trying to get them off of me as the three of them let out noises of protest and drowsiness. Like always, they'd ended up drinking more than they should've - and here they were, perched onto my shoulders, expecting me to drive them home.

Only problem? I can't drive for shit. I failed my driver's exam about a couple hundred times and even managed to almost drive over fifteen people, nearly murdering my instructor in the process. Him telling me he never wanted to guide me again was like a painful break-up.

So I simply stood there, unsure as to what my next series of actions should be. Carefully, I placed Dustin and Alex on a bench nearby and carried Ethan to the car first, placing him in the backseat and securing the seatbelt around him. Once I was sure he was in place, I went to collect Alex and repeated the same course of actions - then, finally, Dustin.

Once I was done, I stretched my arms out and heaved a sigh. How were we going to get home in this state?

Whilst I stood there, preoccupied with my thoughts, a black car pulled over right behind Dustin's car (the one they were all in), and out stepped a familiar figure. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the light, and under the faint beam of the streetlamp, I could make out said figure's features.

"Micah?" I questioned, a single eyebrow raised in uncertainty.

His head whipped over in my direction at the mention of his name, and he tilted his head curiously, "Dr. Bieber, is that you?"

I rolled my eyes, unamused, "Not funny."

It was strange how we were bumping into each other so often - especially as of recently, since I was positive I'd never seen him before the time I'd met him at the bar. I was sure I would've remembered a man that attractive if I'd seen him any time before.

I said nothing for the next few seconds as he made his way over to me, finally crossing his arms across his broad chest and staring down at me like a disappointed figure of authority, "What's this situation you've gotten yourself into?"

"I need to get my friends home but I.." I began sheepishly, rubbing the back off my neck. "I can't drive."

"Damn, that sucks," he commented, turning around to walk away before I grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him back. 


"I'm waiting."

"Can you.. maybe," I started, unsure as to how I should ask him for his aid. "Y'know?"

"Use your words, doctor," he instructed, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "I can't understand what you're saying."

"Can you maybe.. help me get them home?" I blurted out. "I can pay you! Name the amount."

"Woah woah woah," he chuckled. "Slow down. Okay, I'll take them home. You're going to have to come with me though, I don't know where they live."

"Of course I'm coming with," I snorted, trying not to let him see how relieved I was that he was willing to help. "What, did you think I was going to walk home?"

"Justin Bieber has his ways," he winked before turning over to his car and calling out. "Alisha, can you wait a while? Something came up. I'll be back soon."

An unfamiliar lady peeked her head out of the car. Though I couldn't see her too clearly, I didn't need the clarity to be able to tell that she was, indeed, a stunning woman.

"That your girlfriend?"

"Gross," Micah gagged. "That's my sister."

"My bad," I shrugged before getting into the passenger seat, watching as Micah made his way over to the other side before getting into the driver's seat, shifting in his position to make himself more comfortable.

He rolled the sleeves to his shirt over to his elbows and cracked his knuckles before turning to face me, "Seatbelt."

"Oh," I murmured, embarrassed. I pulled out the seatbelt and secured it around myself before turning to face him, "Better now?"

"Yes, captain," he grinned. "You're really trusting a dude you've only met like twice with the address of your close friends?"

"I'm going to be giving you my address instead," I confessed. "I don't want to trouble you, going to three different houses is going to be a pain."

"Three? There are four of you though," he noted before starting the vehicle.

"That one and I live together," I stated, pointing to Alex who was drooling all over himself.

"I see," he nodded. "Boyfriend?"

"He has a girlfriend."

"Alrighty," he nodded. "But it wouldn't trouble me, just give me their addresses, you can trust me."

"To be truthful," I started, looking out the window. "I don't know where they live. Just take them to my place."

"Great friend you are," he chuckled, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel as he pulled out of the parking lot. "I'm kidding, I don't know where a lot of my friends stay either."

"You've got friends?" I gasped jokingly.

He ignored me and let out a soft hum. We sat in silence for a few minutes, the only audible sound being the three idiots behind us snoring like a bunch of wild boars. 

A couple minutes later, Micah spoke up, "There seems to be a problem with my health, doctor."

"What is it?" I questioned, concerned.

"I might need a heart transplant," he began in a soft voice before a smug smirk found its way onto his face. "Because you've just stolen mine."

I stared at him blankly. 

Eight years of education and this is where it gets me. In a car with three idiots and one even bigger idiot (not myself).

"Mr. Davis, I'm your doctor," I reminded him.

"Mr. Davis?" he questioned. "Why so formal? You were calling me Micah only a moment ago. Plus, we're not in the hospital right now. I think I can call you Amos, no?"

"I never said you couldn't," I murmured. "Shut up and drive."

"Roger that, doctor Singh."

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