chapter six ; doctor bieber

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"Doctor Bieber? That's sick," Micah played along in an attempt to save me from the embarrassment. However, he was only causing me even more embarrassment. "If I was your doctor I'd never let you go-"

"Please don't," I interrupted. I did not want an attractive man serenading me with a parody of 'Boyfriend' by Justin Bieber in the early hours of the day. He opened his mouth to say something else, however, when he spotted Dr. Wang making his return with a glass of water, he shut his mouth.

I took a sip from the glass after having thanked the senior physician and turned to face Micah once again, "What seems to be the problem?"

"I've been having awful headaches recently," he confessed. "Don't know if it's just the alcohol intake or something else."

"How much alcohol do you consume on an average?" I questioned.

"A lot," was the only answer I was presented with before he went on. "I usually go to the bar downtown every now and then to hit on some cute guy, never had luck finding cute dudes though - until yesterday, that is. Want me to tell you about it?"

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I knew he was talking about me. He knew he was talking about me. Dr. Wang, I hope, did not know he was talking about me.

What kind of mind games was this dude trying to play with me?

"I can prescribe you some pills to get rid of the headaches but you'll have to cut down your alcohol intake," I began, ignoring his flirtatious advances. 

"By how much are we talking?" he questioned, leaning back against his seat.

"By a lot," I responded bluntly, handing him a slip. "Go to the pharmacy and give the nurse this slip, it's downstairs and to your first left."

"I'm not too good with directions actually, can you accompany me?"

"I'll have the nurse accompany you," I suggested.

"Nope, I'd rather have my doctor accompany me actually," he stated with a subtle grin. "Pretty please?"

I bit down onto the inside of my cheek to suppress my frustration. Maybe I was reading too much into it and he didn't mean anything by the supposed games he was playing. Maybe he really was bad with directions - but the possibility of an underlying alternative motive remained. 

I stood up with a forced grin, "Will you follow me then?"

"Hurry back, you've got more patients waiting," Dr. Wang reminded to which I answered with a brief nod.

I proceeded towards the door and attempted to hold it open for Micah - however, he beat me to it and stuck his foot out to keep the door open.

For some reason, being in this guy's presence was driving me nuts.

The bad kind of nuts.

Are we really talking about nuts right now?

"Would you like to take the stairs or the elevator?" I inquired, turning to look at Micah who stood behind me, carefree. 

"You," he joked with a sly wink. "I'd like to take you, doctor."

My eyes widened to the size of saucers - actually, double that. Before I could come up with a  comprehensible sentence, he proceeded, "I'm just messing around with ya, doc. Let's take the elevator, shall we?"

He gave me no time to react as he stepped in front of me and pressed the button to the elevator. 

What on God's green earth is up with this dude?


"That's.. an interesting story," Alex remarked, taking off his leather jacket and setting it aside on the chair beside him as he took his seat on the bed beside me, leaning back onto his elbows. "You've already got people all over you, you're quite the snack."

"He said he wanted to take me," I scoffed. "That's the most disgusting and unprofessional thing ever. How could you say that to your doctor?"

"He wants to take you?" Alex questioned with a loud laugh. "Question is, can he do it better than I can?"

I rolled my eyes in disgust. Throwing out inappropriate jokes every now and then was very common if it's Alex Black we're talking about. 

He leaned in closer, playing with his lip ring whilst looking at me with suggestive eyes, wiggling his eyebrows like a cartoon character. My emotions remained unstirred. 

"Why are you looking at me like that? You look like an old lady on crack."

"Will you let me flirt in peace?" he scoffed, throwing a pillow at my head.

"Alright then, hit me with your best pick up line. I'll rate it from a scale of one to ten, how does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me. Are you ready for me though?" he winked. "I'm afraid you won't be able to handle what I have to offer, Amos."

"I'm about to fart in your face."

"Cool, I'm into that," he joked with an indifferent shrug. "Alright, I just thought of a really good pick up line. Don't blame me if it makes you fall for me though."

"I doubt it. As much as I like men, you are the only exception."

"I'm glad, wouldn't want to be liked by someone like you anyway," he retorted. "Okay shut up, let me prepare myself." He cleared his throat and shook his shoulders like he was preparing to get into his meditating stance before saying with the proudest look on his face:

"Are you corn? Because I want to watch porn."

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