Bonus chapter: A special night

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Since I met her, I have been so happy. We were united. I used the nucleus ring in my hand, and so did she. We got a temporary room in the hospital, but as soon as this whole thing was over, I would take her with me wherever she wanted, where she could live happier and more carefree.

I had wanted to have a 'date' with her for a long time, as I had seen humans do, but there was no chance. She asked me to leave early because she wanted to go out and do something special. So it would be our date.

I also wondered if I could ask her something I had been curious about for a long time. And the thing was that she had kissed my chest, and I wanted to kiss hers. I was dying to do it. Sometimes I found myself fantasizing about what it would be like. But, at the same time, I had not dared to ask her because I feared she thought I was an immoral full of malice person. I shouldn't have had such strange thoughts without reason or logical objective.

Maybe there was something wrong with me... and that worried me more. I didn't want to disappoint or offend her, much less hurt her and give her a bad image of me—all for not controlling this strong desire.

I got to the cafeteria and sat down to think. Max and Tania came closer.

"All good?" she asked.


"Hey, what things does Marien like?" Max spoke. "I mean, just in case someone wanted to ask her out or something."

I frowned. To ask her out?

"Those things don't have to matter to anyone other than me," I replied. "Besides, what do you mean by asking out?"

"Come on. You can go out with other people. In fact, you should find yourself some female EH since the union you say you have with Marien is not possible."

"Yes," Tania added and sat down next to me. "You don't even have any official document certifying it." She came closer. "So, if you are attracted to any girl, even if she's not EH, you are free to date her."

"Stay away," I muttered, surprising her.

This young woman likes to approach me, and I don't like that. I put up with it because she gave me some indications, but in my town, they always taught me there is a limit to getting too close. And more since I had that very short conversation with my sweet Marien when I was distraught that she would feel bad because of Tania's insistence on fighting with me.

"She's right," Max scoffed. "You don't even lead a life as a couple. You just sleep together. That's not it. There are many things you don't understand about human couples..."

I felt Tania's hand on my arm and stood up, inadvertently letting out a low growl. Both remained static.

"I'm not interested or curious about going out with another woman, not even EH. Only Marien is allowed to come up and touch me." I looked at Tania. "Did you hear?"

"You're exaggerating," Max laughed.

I turned to see him. "And if someone dared to want to go out with my lady, I would break all his bones," I added.

He froze, and I got out of there. As I gathered my things, I heard Acrux explain the meaning of my ring to them, "It's eternity. That ring of the nucleus is one of the symbols we respect the most. It can be said that it is sacred. Nobody has to doubt it." 

I left the building and went to the hospital. I already wanted to be with her, my precious lady, and make her smile. She was my world. She made me want to be even better. Why did they insist on bothering? They didn't know how we were when we were together.

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