Chapter 34: Ongoing plan

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Sirius looked at me with some sudden sadness.

"What's going on?" I asked, worried.

He approached me, and I couldn't help but lose myself in his eyes. When I realized he had me cornered against the desk and leaned over a little, resting his hands on it, on either side of my waist.

"You are not condemned to death. You are not," he sentenced in a whisper.

I rested my forearms on his strong and beautiful shoulders and stroked his hair.

"Don't worry about me. I worry about you," I said what he always told me.

He silently denied it, smiling melancholy.

"I'll be fine."

I gently pulled him towards me until I felt his breath in my mouth. His arms went around my waist. I brushed his lips, running over and feeling the perfect shape of his upper lip.

"We'll be fine," I whispered. "Nothing bad is going to happen, okay?"

He kissed me gently, making me vibrate with that delicious sensation, and I reciprocated, delighting again. Why had I fallen in love with a man who drove me out of my mind so quickly? The slight brush of his canine teeth reminded me he was not just any man.

I pulled away and looked at his face. His slight expression of sadness didn't go away. I didn't like that. I smiled sweetly at him, and he did the same. That was how I liked seeing him, my sweet yet wild, jealous, and stubborn EH.

I kissed him again, this time with more intensity. His hands slipped under my pajamas and caressed my skin while I stroked his chest, already starting to burn. We hugged and stayed like that.

His warm breath hit my neck before his lips, and he smiled against my skin.

"I'm so attracted to you..." he whispered and took a lock of my hair between his fingers. "And you smell so good... When I saw you walk by my side, so free, admiring the forest, I watched over your dreams and saw you so calm, always feeling safe with me despite what I am. I wondered why I could not tell you. Why couldn't I declare you mine somehow?"

The blush was all over my face.

"I thought the same of you. Why didn't I dare kiss you when I had several opportunities? Maybe the fact that you didn't know made me hesitate."

"I would have loved to know about kisses before. I'd have kissed you without hesitation."

I chuckled.

He slid his hand down, reaching the first button of my pajamas, fiddling with it a bit, and looked at me. He kept that sweet and mischievous smile. I was captivated. Did he know I was melting out?

"You are so... desirable..." I whispered, feeling my heart in my mouth.

He cocked his face, obviously not understanding the use of that word in this situation, but I didn't care. His smile was dazzling. He hugged me and caressed me while his warmth flooded me. 

He didn't do it on purpose, but he had already made me lose my sanity. His hands came to rest on my breasts, shuddering me in that good way. He sighed against my lips and ran his nose down my cheek to my ear.

"I like them," he purred in a deep, extremely seductive voice. "You know? They have fascinated me; I would watch them all day long."

"Well, you can do it," I muttered as my hands ran down his chest. 

He appreciated my body with total calm, delicacy, and naturalness. I loved it. He seduced me with just the touch of his skin and enveloped me with his delicious aroma.

Cat Eyes: Sirius (Marien's POV only)Where stories live. Discover now