Chapter 39: The end of the trip

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It was all grunting, hitting, biting, and screaming. My hand was shaking with the gun as I watched the scene, absorbed. The twins and Ursa were as fast as Sirius, giving those two evil brothers a good fight. I felt anger and helplessness for not being capable of throwing myself against them too. How I wished I could strike those men.

The two twins caught Antares, biting his arm and the other on the neck, but Apus snatched one of them with one blow, having Ursa almost on top of him, biting his shoulder. Ursa pulled hard and ripped off the flesh while Antares grabbed the other twin and managed to rip the flesh off his arm and then hit the other.

I reacted after seeing blood on the ground.

"We must do something," I asked urgently.

Max was trying to aim, but the evolved moved and shifted very quickly in their savage fight. A scream made me shudder: Ursa. I turned to see. She squeezed her abdomen while the twins mercilessly bit Antares, who was the one who had hurt her.

I was horrified when Apus lunged at Ursa and grabbed her by the neck to slam her to the ground. I took aim and fired without thinking, letting out a short cry as the gun took me back a step; I hadn't remembered to hold it steady. Although luckily for me, the bullet had hit Apus in the shoulder, and he had fallen to the side, screaming. Ursa got to her feet but was rammed by Antares. Geez! 

The twins rushed to bite him while Apus did the same with them. Max ran to the truck to find something more practical, perhaps. Ursa ran and got into a nearby fort. Apus freed his forearm from one twin's bite with a blow and a kick that slammed the boy to the ground to run after Ursa. 

Max appeared at my side and fired.

I was surprised and fleetingly smiled when I saw that he had shot a steel cable that tangled in the evolved's leg and immobilized him with an electric shock. The two twins acted as a team to beat Antares, but he kept fighting.

I noticed movement from the fort and saw Ursa getting out with Symphony. She was chained and unconscious. The blonde put her down and ran, almost limping to finish helping the twins while I ran with Max to tie up Apus before he woke up.

We wrapped him well with the wire. Max started talking as he finished tying, "If I hit a switch on the weapon, the cable will shoot another shock. You see?" He pointed to the cable's arrow-shaped end that had helped tangle around the man's leg. "There is the battery."

"You should have taught me to use this one," I claimed.

He shrugged and turned to see the others; I did the same. One of the twins had Antares by the jugular, while the other two had him immobilized. He fell unconscious at last.

"Tie his wound," I suggested as I approached.

"Why?" asked Ursa.

"Don't you want to ask him questions? I want to know where Sirius is..."

"They won't tell you even if you threaten to kill them," Ursa interrupted me.

I sighed. Yes, maybe she was right. They were EH, after all. They would rather die.

"Leave him there, let him die," said Max.

"Yes," replied the three EH.

My lips tightened.

"No," I interjected, and the four of them looked at me, confused. "Sirius didn't kill anyone, so you won't either," I sentenced, looking at the twins. "He wouldn't want this."

Max smiled incredulously but seeing my serious expression, he stopped. Ursa rolled her eyes as the twins raced to stop Antares's bleeding. 

The two evolved men ended up tied up with the electrical wire, back-to-back. Ursa and the twins bandaged their wounds while Max tried to help them.

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