Chapter Twenty Four- Destruction

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Don't mind the photo up there-

I will give myself to finish this in 4 months, 2 more months than the last time I said this.

And shoutout to DOUGHNUTS_07 for voting on all the chapters! @malakcute23 too! :D



Y/N- Your Name


Your pov

"She is correct"

"Holy f*ck! That voice scared me!" Philippines cursed and nearly fell but Vietnam caught her. "Phil. Please, focus." Vietnam told Phil. "Okayyyyy" Philippines mumbled. "Come on! Let us just go through this door!" China exclaimed. "Okay. Hothead..." Ame said the last part quietly, but China still heard it. China sighed and glared at the American. "What? That was true..." Ame said. China was about to punch Ame but JE held him back.

"Please, stop being so playful, Ame. We need to get out of here." Canada told the American. "Yea, yea." Ame said while rolling his eyes. You saw Finland tense up. "Finland, is something wrong?" You asked the Finnish male. Finland did not respond, instead he turned around and faced the door that brought us into this room. "Finland?" You said, "Finland, what's wrong?" You felt someone behind you and you saw Soviet. "He is usually like this when he senses something we can't sense." Soviet told you while also looking at Finland.

"Finland?" Antartica says. "Finland?" You say. Finland still does not respond. "FINLANDDD!!!" Antartica screams. That is new. Finland flinches and turns. "What?" Finland said like nothing ever happened. "Why were you not listening to us?" Soviet asked. "Nothing. I thought there was something..." Finland replied. "You four. Come on! The rest of us already went through the door!" A certain Belarusian exclaimed. You looked over to Belarus and saw that the others and him had already walked through the door. "O-Oh! Sorry guys!" You said and walked to the door with the other three.

You were about to go through the door, when suddenly, the door closes. You try to open the door, but it was locked. You could see Belarus on the other side through the glass window in the door. "Y/N! Finland! Antartica! Soviet!" Belarus screamed. Soviet tried to help you open the door, but it was locked so badly he also couldn't open it.

"5 minutes before self destruction..."

"W-what?!" Antartica stuttered. "Oh fish." You mumbled. "Bela! Tell the others to get going first! We will catch up with you all!" Finland yelled. Bela shook his head and tried to open the door. Kazakhstan pulled Belarus away and ran with the others. "What are we going to do now?!" Antartica exclaimed. "Don't worry, we will find a way out." Soviet tried to calm down Antartica. "Finland, what are we going to do?! We are stuck!" You exclaimed. "Y/N, don't worry. We will find a way out." Finland replied as he hugged you and patted your back.

You saw tears run down Antartica's face. Wait no. That is not tears, he is melting! "Tica! You are melting!" You said. "It's getting hot in here!" Soviet said. You looked at Finland. Finland just shook his head. "Finland. What should we do?" You asked. Finland let go of you and walked to Antartica, leaving you dumbfounded.

"4 minutes before self destruction..."

"Come on Finland! Think!" Soviet told Finland. Finland just turned and face the wall next to the door. "And he is not helping. Wow.." Soviet mumbled. You walked over to Antartica. Antartica kept melting and regenerating. You were getting very stressed out. The entire building was about to self destruct for some reason and you four are stuck in this room.

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