Chapter Thirteen- Fightless

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Another chapter! Scheiße.



Y/N-Your Name


Third Person pov

It has been an hour.

JE is still the only one awake. But why be awake when you can't see anything. Him not seeing things makes him scared. This is what happened when Nagasaki and Hiroshima was bombed by Ame. It left scars. Even made him blind on the left eye. He holds his katana tightly. He has been trying to find a way out. He tried many times, even reached the cell door before, but it gave him an electrical shock. Paralyzing him for 10 minutes. What he didn't know was that the workers in where he is currently is watching his every movement, finding his weakness. You might be wondering? Why can't he just take that blindfold off? Well, if he tried to take off the blindfold, he would also get an electrical shock. His hands have been badly burnt too. 'What's the point of living anymore?' JE asks himself. Negativity filling his mind up.

(Another angy JE

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(Another angy JE. More ART LMAO)

"Why not just let us kill you?" Asked the man outside of the cell. "Never! Even if I say that I give up I will still never give up inside!" JE shouted. "We will let you out. But with one condition, you will be serving us." The man said. "I'd rather jump in a pit of molten lava!"JE answered. "Oh really?" "Yes."

The man walked away, leaving the Japanese left alone in the cell. 'When will the others wake up?' JE thought to himself. Suddenly, he felt heat behind him. He turned his head to look behind him, even if he can't see. He felt it come nearer and nearer to him. He could feel it. It was molten lava. JE backed up against the cell brick wall, which was the only place in the cell which didn't have the electrical shock. "たわごと" (Sh*t) The Japanese male said to himself. He totally did not see this coming. "How about now?" The man came back to JE's cell. "Still never!" JE exclaimed, heavy breaths came out of his mouth as he felt the molten lava get closer to him. But out of nowhere, something heavy fell on the Japanese and he passed out. The molten lava was drained from the cell. "Now, let's see what your answer as you wake up." The man said, chuckling.


Poland was pacing around in his room, still thinking about his eye. He also couldn't take it anymore, he had to let his wings out. Smoke starts to form in the air, coming to the back of the Polish male. In a few seconds, the smoke turned into two beautiful white wings. But one of the wings had a bandage over it.

(Drawing wings with a mouse is so hard, lmao

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(Drawing wings with a mouse is so hard, lmao.)

Poland starts to flap his wings, no matter how hard it is to flap a wing with a bandage over it. "Poland?" Someone says while walking into Poland's room. "Y/N?" Poland says. "YOU HAVE WINGS?!" Y/N exclaims. "Yes, I do." Poland replies. "They are so beautiful!" Y/N exclaims. "T-Thanks!" Poland stutters from embarrassment. "Why is this wing bandaged?" Y/N asks the Polish male. "Oh. It was from WW2." Poland says, memories coming back. Y/N notices Poland's sad face. "O-Oh. Sorry Pol." Y/N apologizes. "Its fine, no need to apologize!" Poland says with a big, bright smile. "Does anyone else have wings?" Y/N asks the Polish male. "Yea! Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Laos, Romania, Czechia, Israel etc." Poland replies. "Wait, Kaz has wings?!" Y/N exclaims, clearly feeling betrayed that no one told her. "Yea!" Kaz walks in with her wings out. "WOA!" Y/N exclaims, "And you have wings right next to your head too!" "Heh. Yep!" Kaz says happily. "Guys, can I scout the area?" Pol asks. "How?" Kaz asks. "Well, by flying!" Pol answers. "Humans can't fly. It would be like a huge red and white bird is flying in the sky, and that they are also wearing a scarf, clothes and a pilot hat with goggles!" Y/N said, giggling. Poland sighed.

Poland's face suddenly changed. "POLAND, YOU ARE A HUMAN!" Kaz exclaimed so loud that Bela and Ukie ran into the room. "HOLY SHIT WHERE IS POLAND?! WHY IS THERE A HUMAN?!" Bela screamed. "Calm down, brother. He is Poland." Ukraine said, pointing at human Poland. "How did this happen?" Y/N asked the Polish. "I don't know! I was just thinking about humans and then I looked at this symbol on my hand and it happened!" Poland exclaimed. "Wait. Now you are turning back into a country!" Bela said. "Holy moly! That symbol must be magical!" Ukie exclaims. "I guess you are right, Ukie. His eye also changed. Most likely because of that symbol....." Y/N said. "Hmmmm......." Kaz is in her 'thinking' mode, "this is the time for Detective Kaz to get to work!" "We don't need a detective, we already got the answer." Ukie said, giggling. "Қалай дәтің барды." (How could you.) Kaz said, on the brim of crying. "Awwwww.....Don't worry!" Y/N said while hugging Kaz. "Fine." Kaz said.


Waking up in somewhere you don't know must be creepy, right? But for the Chinese male, it was an everyday thing. He was used to it. But this time, however, he was scared. He wasn't blindfolded like the others. He looked around. He saw other cells. When he looked closer, he saw Russia in the cell next to him. "Russia! Wake up!" China exclaimed as loud as he could. The Russian male still didn't wake up. After a few more tries, it still didn't work. "他妈的." (F*ck) China mumbled under his breath. He looked at his hands, that's when he noticed a weird symbol on it.

(Ayo wtf)

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(Ayo wtf)

'What's this?' China asked himself. China blinked a few times at the symbol. Suddenly, China felt heat surround him. "Why is it so hot?!" China exclaimed. He looked around him. He saw a fire globe surrounding him. "Holy sh*t!" China said. China looked back at the symbol. He then looked back at the fire globe. The fire globe started fading and soon enough, it all faded. "What is happening?" China said to himself.




-Cheez Out-

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