Chapter Ten- A Message Through A Picture

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Have a chapter a day before my exams start.


Third Person pov

The sound of walking footsteps became louder. The sound of huffing got louder. The girl did not know where she was. She was terrified at the sight before her. She wished she didn't love her father that much. She wished that he didn't treat her so well the same as she was treated before. Her father used to leave her to starve with her siblings, but then he changed. She started to love him, and wish that her father was always home. But her father soon started to become unwell and started cracking. Which leaded to the sight before her when she was 15.

Ukraine forgotten about it. But why has it came back to haunt her? There is no explanation for that. There is always a time when the thing that you are scared of comes to you.

The sight before Ukraine soon faded. Even though her father is back and can't die anymore, it still scares her. The Ukrainian country started to look around, that's when she remembered. Why was she running? As soon as that thought came into her mind, Ukraine was grabbed by a chain. Ukraine's flag started becoming saturated. Soon enough, she passed out. This time, it was in a void. No way out.


The sound of water dripping. The only thing the boy could hear. The sound of dripping water usually calmed the boy. But this time, it scared the boy. He does not know where he is. He was scared. The sound of the ground cracking. The boy was too scared to even move a muscle. A picture of a girl appeared before him. She was a human. Words written on the picture.

"To the end, this girl brings no harm, only a sharp pain to the heart."

The Belarusian blinked. The picture faded.

"Find this girl. She will lead you to your brother and father who you miss dearly." A voice echoed. Belarus was scared by the deep voice. He starts to think. 'If I find this human, will she really lead me to my brother and father? The also missing others? Why would she bring a pain to the heart?' Belarus thought. He started to look around, hoping to find an exit. But just as it is, there is no exit out of the void he is in. Unless.....

Belarus saw a light through a wall. He carefully walked across the cracking and unstable floor. Heavy breathing became louder and louder as he got closer to the wall. Just as Belarus reached the wall, the floor collapsed into a black endless pit underneath it.

"H-Hello?" said the Belarusian boy. Due to his terrified state, he stumbled here and there. The wall started to crack a bit more. The Belarusian was shocked to see the sight behind the wall. His sister, Ukraine, was chained to the ground. In her unconscious state, Ukraine was helpless, her energy all somehow drained by the chains that were keeping her chained. All of a sudden, Ukraine disappeared. Leaving the poor Belarusian all alone. The only thing that was heard was Belarus' breaths. Belarus closed his eyes from tiredness.

"Bela! Wake up!"

Belarus heard his name being called by a familiar voice.

Belarus opened his eyes, shocked to see that the scenery that was once an endless void with no way out changed into a much nicer place to be. But the only thing that bothered Belarus was that he didn't know where he was. "Belarus, you are finally awake!" Ukraine cried out with joy. "Where are we..?" Belarus asked.

"The human world, Earth." Kazakhstan said. "How do you know?" Bela questioned the Kazakhstani. "We saw a few humans, that's why we went to hide in the alleyway. There is no one here so we can stay here for a bit." Kaz explained. Ukraine nodded.

Belarus remembered something. The words written on the picture........
"To the end, this girl brings no harm, only a sharp pain to the heart" What does that even mean? The Belarusian asked himself.

Ukraine snapped her fingers in front of the Belarusian. Bela snapped out of the thought. "Bela, focus! We aren't supposed to be here!" Ukraine said. From her face, you can already know she is very serious. Bela nodded. "We should probably try and find another place to stay for the rest of the day." Said the Kazakhstani while flapping her beautiful wings. "Kaz, you should hide them, we are in the human world, remember?" Bela told Kaz. Kaz nodded and hid her wings. Her wings went poof  and yellow smoke came out into the air. "Now, what to do with our faces?" Ukie asked. "We could cover it up." Bela said. "But how?" Kaz questioned. "With a mask? Also, Ukie, you can first cover your face with your hoodie and get us some masks!" Bela suggested. "I have no Earth money though....." Ukie said sighing. "Maybe they might accept it?" Kaz said. "Why would they even want i-" Ukraine cut herself off when she opened up her purse. She had a shocked face. "What's with the face, Ukie?" Kaz asked. "Guys, what in the world happened to my money...?" Ukie said while taking out a few notes of American 10 dollar bills. "Where ya get all of that?" Bela questioned the Ukrainian, blinking in confusion. Ukie continued looking through her purse, taking out 100 notes of 10 dollar bills, but no, there's more. "What happened to the 100 Continitian dollars I had?!" (Their world is called Continitia. All the country use they same Continitian dollars. I will explain more at the end of the story.) Everyone was shocked.


Time to explain about country money! But first. The countries' world is called Continitia. Their money is called Continitian dollars.
The money they bring to Earth become more, ex. 1 Continitian dollar is 1000 American dollars. Damn, imagine having 1000 Continitian dollars on Earth. Ukie is a rich gal now. Lucky.

Also, can y'all guess who Belarus is supposed to find? It's super easy!
This is the first time I didn't say anything about our little child, Y/N.

And yes, that is how the countries with wings hide their wings. I get it, it's weird af.

Sorry for the short chapter!

Words- 1048

-Cheez Out-

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