Chapter Twenty-Five: Catch Up

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Later that day, both Zoey and Erin had worked out an impromptu sleepover at Zoey's house.

Erin stopped by her house to pack a bag.
She went into the house and quickly headed for her bedroom, when she saw Carol cleaning some dishes.

She tried to go past her when Carol saw her and asked,
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to Zoey's house for a sleepover. I just need to pack a bag really quick." Erin replied, then walked down the hallway.

"Oh, okay. You're over there a lot, you know."
Erin halted her step, then went back down the hallway.
"I haven't been over there in a week or so."
She stated.
"I know, but it just seems like you spend all of your time with her, it seems like a little too much time." Carol said, rinsing off a plate and placing it in the dishwasher.

Erin didn't know how to feel about that.
Sure, she did spend a lot of time with Zoey, but at least she was having fun.

She didn't have much fun with her mom, if she was being honest.

"But have fun, sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow." Carol said, her voice sort of bitter.
To Erin, it sounded passive aggressive.

She shook it off and went to pack her bag.

"What took you so long?" Zoey asked once Erin exited the house with a packed backpack.
"My mom said I spend too much time with you." Erin answered bluntly.

Zoey laughed it off.
"We haven't really seen each other in like, two weeks. We're well overdo for a sleepover." She said reassuringly.

With that reassurance, Erin smiled at her. "Now, let's go have some fun, alright?" Zoey said, slinging her arm over Erin's shoulder.

They went into Zoey's room and Erin had barely put her backpack on the floor before Mikey ran in, exclaiming,
"I haven't seen you in forever!"
"Mikey, we've been over this. You can't come in here when Erin's over."
"But-" He protested quickly.
"No buts, bud. Maybe we can play with you tomorrow."
"Okay, love you."
"I love you, too." Zoey said, as Mikey walked out of her bedroom.

Zoey looked at Erin, who had taken a seat on the bed.
She took a seat next to her.

They talked for a while, catching up on anything new that happened to them in the past one and a half weeks.

Besides sulking in her room, Erin had started painting rocks as a little hobby.
"I painted you one last night." She said, going over to her backpack and digging around in it for a bit.

She pulled the rock out of her bag, sat next to Zoey, and handed it to her.

On the small rock was a tan guitar with three red hearts around it.
Zoey flipped the rock over, seeing the letters E. L. painted on it in green.

Zoey looked at Erin with a joyous smile on her face.
"This is so cool, Erin. Thank you."
"You're welcome."

Zoey hadn't picked up any new hobbies, she was learning a new song, though.
She planned on showing it to Erin sometime soon.

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