Chapter Eighteen: Against Everything

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Erin rode around the neighborhood on her bike, panicking slightly.
Zoey liked her. Her best friend, like liked her.

Erin had been battling her extremely confusing and intense feelings for a while now.
She had been pushing away any idea of liking Zoey for about a month, but now that Zoey liked her, she had been put into a whirlwind of thoughts.

In her entire sixteen years of living, she had never felt this way about anyone, boys or girls. She had thought that a few boys were cute and all, but she never felt something this deep for one.

She knew that these feelings were definitely something more than just platonic, but were they love?

Did Erin love Zoey? She had never loved anyone before, but these emotions were very, very strong.
Love was one of the strongest emotions in the world and Erin felt really, really strongly about Zoey.

She wanted to be near her all the time, and hug her, and be with her.
Be with her? Be with her... romantically?

Wanting to be with Zoey romantically went against everything that she'd been taught, everything she thought she knew about herself.

She didn't even know she was capable of loving someone this intensely until she met Zoey.
"I love Zoey." She thought to herself. "Oh my God. I love Zoey."
She had finally admitted it.

After weeks and weeks of denying what she felt, she finally allowed herself to feel those emotions, to feel love for a girl.

Erin turned the corner and parked her bike in the driveway.
She slowly made her way to her bedroom, feeling her heartbeat quicken with that realization running through her mind.

Zoey had awoken something within her that she didn't even know existed.
That was unbelievably scary. Erin loved a girl. Her mother would kill her if she ever found out.

Should she tell Zoey about this?
No, she couldn't tell Zoey, at least not now.
Zoey had just confessed her feelings yesterday.

Just then, an idea went into Erin's mind: could she confide in Zoey about her sexuality, or rather, her confusion surrounding it? They were best friends, who we're supposed to help each other out.

Zoey was proudly bisexual, meaning that she must've had a similar awakening.
Maybe she could help Erin out.

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