5 | History

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Chapter 5 : History


As he stood there blocking the sun from shining onto me I sat there with a million thoughts in my head, though no words came out.

Why was he really here?

Would I have to be scared to leave my apartment yet again?

Would he go further than just hurting me this time around?

"I'm confused on why the fuck you think it's okay to be anywhere near us!," Ashley snapped at him.

"You got a lot of fucking nerve Jax."

I could tell she wanted to swing on him but sadly we all had to remember we were in a public place, we all had something to lose.

"It's a public beach ash, I see you still haven't changed a bit, still loud and ignorant," he replied smirking, "I was just greeting her, after all we spent nearly a decade together."

He stared at me, clearly waiting for me to reply to him.

I refused.

"Public beach or not you're too damn close to her so if you don't back the fuck up we're gonna have real issues," Natalie snapped, throwing her hair up into a bun.

I was so grateful to have friends who stuck up for me, I just felt so weak that in that moment I couldn't do it for myself.

"We'll meet again love bug, maybe next time your pests won't be around," he said, walking away.

When he was far enough from us I began to sob uncontrollably.

I could feel the stream of tears just running down my face, I couldn't stop them.

My girls surrounded me with big hugs.

I hadn't seen him since the last time he laid hands on me for the last time, I never wanted to see him again.

Now more than ever is a good time to explain our backstory.

*** The Backstory ***

We met at a party I had no business attending, I was just accompanying Ashley.

At the time she'd just started seeing Trev so I couldn't let her go meet up with him all alone.

Girl code.

I spotted him from across the pool.

He was a honey-colored, light-complexioned, tall, muscular guy with a dimple in his chin.

His eyes were hazel and could trap you if you stared into them too long.

Needless to say he was breathtaking.

As Ashley swam to the deep end with her man I stayed near the stairs looking down on my phone.

I was in a group chat with Natalie and Jada telling them how nervous I was.

Somehow I managed to make eye contact with one of the most handsome men I'd ever seen at that moment.

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