4 | The Beach Day

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Chapter 4 : The Beach Day

Sunday morning arrived and I woke up feeling like I had sinned.

I turned on some gospel hoping it would make me feel better, but it actually made me feel worse.

Thanks alot Kirk Franklin.

I dragged myself out of bed, took Nala outside, filled up her food and water bowls and headed to the bathroom for a morning shower.

When I hopped out of the shower feeling somewhat cleansed of my sins I made my way to the kitchen and began to pour myself a bowl of lucky charms.

I climbed back into bed with my cereal and turned on a repeat episode of Criminal Minds.

While watching them profile the unsub I pulled out my phone and decided to check my text messages.

It was already noon and I wasn't at all surprised.

My night was kind of wild so I hadn't expected to be awake before this time at all.

I saved Omar's number under "🍫" to be kind of funny, sure enough I had 2 text messages from him.

One was from last night that read "Goodnight beautiful I enjoyed our time together" and the other from this morning read "Rise & shine gorgeous".

I sighed, exiting out of our message thread without replying.

I know what you're thinking, why?

The truth is this man scared me, though it was in a rather good way I knew he was capable of allowing me to discover a new level of potential, something I didn't yet see in myself.

That was something I just wasn't ready to face.

I didn't want to ghost him but I wasn't ready to respond to him either.

I felt a sigh of relief when I seen a text I had gotten from Ashley that read "Beach day with the girls today, pick you up around 3pm be ready beeotch xo."

I desperately needed some fresh air and time with my girls.

I didn't know if I'd tell them about Omar yet, especially since I hadn't even decided how I would go about facing him myself, but I knew this beach day was much needed.

*** The Beach ***

We arrived at Clearwater Beach, it was nothing but hotties everywhere, males and females.

Of course we also didn't look bad ourselves.

I had on a one piece halter black shein bathing suit that exposed my cleavage a bit, and hugged me tightly in the right places.

Ashley had on a pink and white two-piece bikini bathing suit that fit her slim body perfectly.

Jada had on a mint green crochet cut out one-piece bathing suit.

Natalie had on a peach colored two-piece halter bikini.

We all strutted to our spot and had several different glances towards us.

We always gotten attention, we just complimented one another well.

When we made our way to a nice spot in the middle of the sand we set up our cabana and chairs and sat down with our things.

We'd each bought something from a nearby supermarket, it was our tradition.

I bought a large sized fruit bowl, Ashley bought a Cuban sub platter, Jada brung ice, plates and cups, (the essentials) and Natalie brung the wine coolers & a big bottle of patron, the other essentials.

We began eating our lunch and sipping our drinks.

The patron flowed down my throat harshly but smooth at the same time.

Tequila always turned me into a she-devil but today it was just something to go with the vibe.

Not like I had any dick able for me to get anyway, none that I was ready for that is.

"I'm literally counting down the freaking days for this weekend y'all I'm too excited for this party it's about to be litty!," Ashley yelled rather loudly, alerting the curious kids sitting next to us.

"Have you guys decided who you're gonna bring?"

Wait. What the hell did she mean who we were going to bring?

This girl always had a trick up her sleeve I swear.

"Um can't we just bring ourselves? You know we're the life of the party anyway," Natalie said, in between a sip of her liquor.


Natalie was the most outspoken out of the group, Ashley was the most free-spirited, I was probably the introverted but most logical and Jada was just the laid-back stoner.

We just somehow mysteriously matched.

I wasn't looking forward to bringing anyone to this party.

Ashley and her man had been together since they were teens but I wasn't seeing anyone serious enough to accompany me there, not even Omar.

As far as I knew Natalie wasn't seeing anyone either and Jada was still dealing with an on and off girlfriend of hers.

"Yeah Ash. I'm not down with bringing Jess to this party she's back on her bullshit. I actually want to enjoy myself," Jada announced, joining in on the conversation.

Ashley pouted but agreed that it wasn't mandatory for us to bring a plus one, just recommended.

"I'm trying to get fucked up and be up under my man's skin the whole time so I just thought letting you guys invite someone to help keep y'all company would be the best choice but suit yourself whores," she slurred.

We all laughed realizing the liquor was starting to hit us pretty heavily.

Approaching the water we emerged ourselves in, it felt very refreshing.

We walked in up to our waists and began continuing our conversation about the party.

We were laughing, splashing one another when all of a sudden they all went quiet and began to stare off onto the shore behind me.

I turned around following their eyes only to see my worst nightmare.


My stomach felt like someone sucker punched me in it.

My palms began to get sweaty and clammy.

I stood there frozen, unsure of what to do next.

Ashley and the girls grabbed me quickly, walking me back to our cabana.

We sat down and I was handed a water bottle.

They all tried to talk to me to shake me out of this funk but I couldn't.

Why was he here? I thought he promised after I called the cops to never return back to this state let alone the city.

I finally managed to somewhat shake myself out of my shock when he approached us.

"So we meet again, lovebug," he said, smiling at me with devilish eyes.

I gulped and felt tears instantly form in my eyes as I stared back at him with pure rage.

A/N : I hope you guys liked the cliff hanger & also enjoyed the change of scenery with the girls. My goal was to give some more insight about the group as a whole. More details about her ex will come in the upcoming chapter. 🖤 Follow Me 🖤

Revised by author on 3/16/23

Shade Of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora