57 | Suspicion

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Gigi burst into tears immediately after Cal's impromptu reveal of her pregnancy.

Wasn't it the job of an expecting mother to announce the news to the father of the child? She had an entire plan; summon a doctor, get checked, surprise him when he returned. But he wasn't surprised at all, and instead of allowing her to break it, he did it by himself. Why should he make it all about him? She was supposed to have her moment, and he once again robbed her of it.

Even after he had changed into his pyjamas and was ready to go to bed, she had not been able to let it go. Tears were pouring out of her eyes uncontrollably each time she recalled the instance, like a switch to a water fountain.

"How could you?" She bawled into the pillows. "After everything I've done for you. I married you, take care of your son. I might even be carrying your other child!"

"How have I offended you, sweetheart?" Cal placed a palm on her shoulder, mumbling something about hormones.

"You're the most despicable human being and you know that!" Gigi barked. "You had already stripped me of a courtship, forged my proposal, and now you're spoiling my first pregnancy! I had plans. Plans that you cancelled when you thought you're being a brilliant smug!"

"I only found out because I've been through this before, I know the signs! Did you expect me to act oblivious?"

Gigi wiped her eyes and nose. "Yes, you are supposed to wait! I don't care what you have been through. Whether you knew or not, you should've acted stupid or clueless or surprised and wait for me to deliver the news!" she said in a quavering voice. "Now I will never get to experience the joy of announcing my first pregnancy!"

"But of course you still can! To the whole world! To Junior!"

"No, I cannot," she sniffled, her vision blurry as she turned toward him.

"Why not?"

"Because of what you said on our wedding night," she admitted.

"Oh my darling, I took back what I said. Haven't I told you that I do want more children with you, love?"

Gigi held back her sobs a little. "...No. You told me that you didn't want me to have a child because you feared for Junior's right to the throne. I agree with that. While it's true that I or this child would never want to contest their brother's status as the heir, I cannot say the same for the others. My father, my other family members, Prajan parliament or anyone with interest. They might want to do it for political reasons."

"But we're hoping for a princess. A daughter is less likely to be used in a political dispute—"

"But what if it's a prince? I cannot risk a potential conflict between my children without taking any measures to prevent it."

"Gi, you've given that much thought into this for Junior?" Cal was stunned, seemingly unprepared for it himself.

Gigi's face hardened, taking her husband's hand into hers. "I am his mother. I am going to protect him."


That night, Gigi and Cal both agreed to keep the pregnancy a secret in the meantime, for the sake of keeping the momentum on Junior's birthday and buying them time to seek for a solution to keep the line of succession. Before that, there would be no talks of pregnancy or a baby.

A number of attorneys and legal experts were summoned to consult while looking into the Act of Settlement, a law that revolved around the succession to the Angletonian Crown. Since the issue came from Junior's maternal line, it was up to Gigi to make a difference.

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