'Coincidental' Meeting (22)

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Some time passed since the Ares street incident, and Kuboyasu and Y/n grew closer together. Kuboyasu thought that Y/n wouldnʻt want to be friends anymore since Y/n now knew that he was an ex- delinquent, but to his surprise, Y/n wasnʻt afraid of him, and was actually in awe. Y/n had zero clue what a delinquent was, (because they never paid attention in school)and instead, had stars in their eyes, asking a bunch of questions like, how he looks so weak but has the strength of a hulk, and how he got so strong in general. Y/n told Kuboyasu that they wished that they could be as strong as him, but it was impossible, because they could never keep up with any of the harsh diets they tried.
The heart breaking speech brought Kuboyasu to tears, as Y/n reminded him of himself, because he was trying so hard to be a normal person, but would often revert to his delinquent nature. So then they both made a deal. One would teach the other to be a normal person, and one would become the otherʻs personal trainer. They would meet up in the field behind the school every day if they could, and would stay true to the deal. 
After making the deal, the two both started walking home. Even though they both lived in the same area, it seemed more dramatic to walk opposite ways, so they did, making Kuboyasu take the long way home. While walking home, Y/n couldnʻt help but wonder if they were forgetting anything. Then it hit them. Everyone was still at the movie theater, in need of a ride home. More so, their momʻs car was left on the street for more than enough time to get towed.
Y/n ran to the Theater, where they met everyone waiting out in the rain, watching the car get towed. It was a long process, but Y/n convinced the tower to unto the car. Everyone was still a little mad at them, but eventually everyone forgave Y/n. After all of this, Y/n finally noticed that Saiki wasnʻt there. Y/n asked around frantically, but everyone told them that Saiki had left early. Feeling a little conflicted, but it wasnʻt enough to keep them down from having a good nightʻs rest.
Now, a few weeks passed that, Y/n and Kuboyasu had been training really hard, leaving less time for Y/n to actually converse with Saiki. Somewhere along the way, Kuboyasu even confessed to Y/n, and was still waiting for an answer. He never admitted it to himself, but deep down he kind of missed Y/n, in all their chaoticness. Today was Y/nʻs first day of work at the restaurant with Mera, and that took up Y/nʻs time with Saiki altogether. With school first, then work with Mera, and training with Kuboyasu, the only time Y/n could talk to him would be at free period, which was an average of fifteen minutes. Saiki being the person he was, never thought he ever felt sad about it. 
Y/n on the other hand, knew they had issues, not just with themself, but with work.

"you mean iʻm going to have to wear this every day?!" Y/n yelled. In their hands, Y/n was holding a black and pink frilly maid dress.

"w-well yes... this is a maid cafe..." Mera replied, sweating from the pressure of Y/n about to beat her to a pulp. 

"Iʻm not wearing this! itʻs pink!" Y/n shouted, pointing at the light pink frills under the black cover.

"w-well I have zero clue what your gender is, but if it makes you feel better, people are into girls and boys in skirts! Y-you would be... helping t-the business! Yeah..." Mera said nervously, trying to make light of the situation. Y/n sighed, putting a hand over their forehead. 

"Canʻt I just work in the kitchen?!" Y/n whined.

"iʻm sorry, no c-can do Y/n... the boss... you see heʻs kind of pervy... and he specifically asked for you to work out on the tables in one of the maid costumes..." Mera said, instantly flinching to protect herself. Y/n sighed again, looking up at Mera.

"well this place doesnʻt get that much customers anyways... and again, I would be helping the business... Y/n sighed. "iʻll do it."

And with that, Y/n began their first day as a maid server at a maid cafe. Mera was right about the business picking up, and more and more people came, just to see the new worker, whose face was plastered on a giant billboard. Somehow, one day, Saiki was dragged along by Nendou and Kaidou to the maid cafe, with Kuboyasu tagging along. It was so crowded, and they couldnʻt wait to see Y/n(for some... slightly not kid friendly reasons...). 
Nendou and Kaidou shoved through the crowds, saying ʻmy friend works here!ʻ, since they couldnʻt get a table at first. They swiped a table from one people from their class,(also for some... slightly not kid friendly reasons...) waiting for Y/n to come over to serve them, because they asked specifically for Y/n. 
When Y/n came over, there was this awkward silence. Mostly between Y/n, Kuboyasu, and Saiki. It was fairly awkward for each of them, but the most for Saiki, because he knew all about what happened between them. Saiki just couldnʻt put his thumb on why it was so awkward. This was a little obstacle for Y/n, but Y/n quickly brushed it off as nothing out of the ordinary, and tried to start this as a normal coincidental meeting between friends(even if it wasnʻt and they all came here to see Y/n in a maid dress-). 

"just Coffee jelly, iʻm guessing, right Kusuo?" 

just coffee jelly (saiki x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat