streak broken. (7)

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     No... what have i done... i just broke a 7 year long streak of never breaking character... all my hardwork, gone. Down the drain. And it's all Saiki's fault! If he wasn't such an a-hole to me, i would've been able to keep up my facade!

"Wow. Now you're blaming me for something that you did."

"Be quiet! as you said, and i quote! 'your voice alone annoys me.' I have no idea why i even wanted to be friends with you in the first place!"

"it's because you thought i was the only normal person here."

"Didn't i say to be quiet! I have bigger problems to deal with, rather than you knowing anything and everything!"

"you can't stop a psychic from talking, but i can stop you from talking. You'd better be more respectful, after all i'm superior to you."

"W-well... fine! This autobiography isn't supposed to be all about us arguing the whole time! Besides, i'd rather talk about the current events, like how detective lucky just lost his job for shooting a suspect in the head."

"This detective Lucky show is really boring, i already know what's going to happen. A lot of people have already spoiled it for me." 

"Well don't spoil it for me, i just wanna see how it goes!"

And so, we watched the show all the way until the end of the season, and I think i fell asleep somewhere along the way. Oh well. I guess that show really was boring, whether it was spoiled for you or not.

"you did fall asleep. you were drooling on my shoulder."

Oh please! I don't drool, so there's no way that's possible. 

"i have proof right here, look at my shoulder, it's sopping wet with your drool."

What... how the heck... no, This is just a prank you set up! Prank or not, it's not funny!

"What would i have to gain from pranking you? i'm gonna go home now. never wearing this shirt again." 

"Hey! it's not that bad! Maybe i did drool a little but still, I don't drool that much."

"oh, and you snore too." Saiki said, walking out of the door and leaving.

"I don't snore either!" i yelled at him, as he closed the door. He even left his dishes on the couch... what a drag. I hate doing dishes, and the last thing i need after a long day of trying to please this guy, is dishes. I'd rather clean the whole kitchen! -which is something that i have to do now... 

You must be thinking, 'it's just a few dishes, because only you and Saiki used some dishes right?' again, well yes, but actually no. I told myself i'd wash he dishes when i came home earlier this morning, and Mom used a lot of dishes this morning, plus the dishes i used to make the coffee jelly. See, this is what happens when you put things off a lot.  After a while they'll start to pile up, like the dishes for example. I just remembered, i need to do the laundry today. My chores are going to form a doggy pile on me, and they've already started to cover up my stomach.

Oh! Actually I should get my little brother to try and clean the dishes! Five years old is a good age for him to start washing dishes right? I learned how to wash the dishes at age 8 and that's only three years away from 5, so he should be fine, i'm pretty sure.

"Hey Yuuta! come down here, I need your help!" i shouted. After a few seconds, Yuuta came walking slowly and groggily downstairs. 

"What do you need help with? I was just watching cyborg cider man!" Yuuta whined. 

"I'm going to teach you how to wash dishes today! you like to learn new things right?"

"Well yea, but you always look like you're not having fun when i see you washing dishes." Yuuta replied.

"Oh it only looks like that because i've haven't been able to sleep at night, because our neighbors snore so loudly." I said to him, bending down to his height. Well that is technically true, because usually i can't sleep at night, because i'm constantly thinking about that one cringy thing i did about 5 years ago. The snoring part is a lie though. 

"Why can't you wash the dishes?" Yuuta whined again.

"Well i can't wash the dishes because i have to clean the rest of the kitchen. You would rather wash the dishes then clean the whole kitchen right?" i replied, giving him a frown.

"fine... i'll wash the dishes for you. you'd better not be lying to me, or i'll kick you butt. Yuuta said, walking over to the sink. "now teach me how to wash the dishes."

despite his age, it actually took a short while to teach Yuuta how to wash the dishes. Though i didn't see him try washing them on his own, i have some faith in the little guy, and I think he'll do just fine. I turned away from him, to wipe up all the jelly mix spills on the counters. 

That's when i saw it. there was jelly mix, on the counter chair cushion. The cushion is WHITE. I swear if i don't die by my mom, i'm going to die from stress! I ran upstairs and quickly got a hand towel to wipe up the mixture. at this point it was seeping in, and had zero clue what to do. I mean sure i could use some stain remover, but how am i going to get it in the wash?!  just throw the whole dang chair in there!? I'm pretty sure that would cause problems for the washing machine and the chair!

I guess the only choice i have is to keep wiping the cushion with a wet towel, and hope for the best. If that doesn't work out, maybe i could get some pillows for the chairs and say it's an early birthday present for mom. Yeah that'll definitely work, and all i have to do is declare that chair as mines, so that no one accidentally knocks the pillow off the chair.

just coffee jelly (saiki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now