the Kokominzu (21)

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it had only been a few minutes since youʻd left the theater to get blankets, when Said got a precognition. It was you... in a struggle to get away from someone, or something. Then it was you, in a building on some random street, called ares street. This was more than enough to make him stand up abruptly, but then immediately sit back down, due to the headache that followed. Kuboyasu noticed this, but brushed it off as nothing.
Saiki told everyone that he was going home and started walking out of the theater, with a little stumble in his step. Teruhashi no longer had a reason to stay, so she tried to ask Saiki if he could walk her home. Teruhashi tried to hit him speechless with the classic puppy eyes and a small pout, but it was all in vain, because Saiki wasnʻt really paying attention to the situation in front of him, and was more focused on the Y/n situation.
Saiki simply pushed her aside, due to his migraines, and walked out of the theater. She looked a little taken back, and was about to ask again, when Toritsuka came over, and started sweet talking her again. Toritsuka took this as Saiki saying that she was all his now, and Toritsuka thanked Saiki greatfully. The whole way there, Toritsuka would hit on Teruhashi, and she would politely decline, but she had no luck in this, as Toritsuka kept coming back again. By the time Toritsuka finally left her alone to go to the bathroom, Saiki had already left.
Meanwhile, Kuboyasu was a little suspicious and worried, so he followed Saiki to see if he was okay. Sure, Kuboyasu wasnʻt a super secret spy, or a private detective for that matter, but for some reason, he had some kind of edge, as if he was experienced in being extra quiet and stealthy. And like I said, even though Kuboyasu was no special law guy, he still questioned where Saiki was going, because the way he was going, was a part of town that Kuboyasu knew all too well. It was the place that no corperate executive, or officer of the law, would go to willingly. It was the sketchy part of town, where all the delinquents came to brawl, ares street.
Saiki on the other hand, had zero clue that Kuboyasu was following him. Psychic or not, Saiki still had the ring on, and was getting used to sensing people walking by. Saiki tried to hurry before his horrible precognition came true, but it was slightly in vain, as the headache heʻd gotten from this precognition, was stronger than most, probably meaning something bad, like the precognition was going to happen soon, or this one was excessively important for the future. Since the raging headache was that strong, he couldnʻt focus on teleporting to the right place, so he was stuck on foot, which was a good thing for Kuboyasu.
Saiki was triggering thugs and delinquents left and right, but with the help of Kuboyasu, he got through to his destination, un-harmed, and without knowing anyone was after him in the first place. By then, Kuboyasu was worn out by all the fighting, but he didnʻt take a moment to rest. Kuboyasu simply thought of it as a game, where he was on the final boss level, because what he saw next, reassured him of that.
It was Y/n, in a room, tied up, as a bunch of figures in cloaks made them watch a slideshow. Y/n already seemed brainwashed by whatever they were showing them, because Y/n already looked emotionless. Kuboyasu thought that the weight of everything was on his shoulders, when really, Saiki was nearby, plotting to trick the brains of the Kokominzu people into thinking that Y/n wasnʻt actually there.
In reality, Y/n was kidnapped by a special fan group for Teruhashi, called the Kokominzu, and they were telling Y/n that they were getting in the way of Saikiʻs and Teruhashiʻs (non- existent) relationship. The Kokominzu even thought that Yuuta was their child! Y/n tried to reason with them, and tell the Kokominzu, that Yuuta was actually their own younger brother, and not the child of Saiki and Peached t- girl, but they refused to believe her so called lies. After a while Y/n ended up giving up on trying to reason with these unreasonable people, and just sat there as the Kokominzu gave their long presentation about how "Kokomi is love, Kokomi is life!", as Y/n sat there with a dead look on their face, because thatʻs how they felt inside. Dead.
Finally, Kuboyasu decided on a plan. Well more or less of a plan, because all he would do was storm in there and hope for the best. So he did just that.
Kuboyasu broke through the brick wall of the Kokominzu head quarters, like some kind of off brand Deku, and smacked all of the fan club members out of the way, running to untie Y/n. All of this completely screwed up Saikiʻs plans, and was more likely to fail, but unsurprisingly, Kuboyasu made it out alive, with Y/n on his shoulder. People that passed by thought that this was a kidnapping, but no one cared, because again, It was ares street.
after they made it out, Kuboyasu asked Y/n if they were okay, and asked if the Kokominzu people did anything bad. Y/n thanked him for saving them from dying of boredom, and said everything was fine. 
Meanwhile Saiki was a little bitter about this, but he was now fully conscious, and could make it out of ares street un harmed, by teleporting out.  It was a good night (mostly for Kuboyasu and Y/n), and everyone lived happily ever after. But this isnʻt the end of the story.

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