Chapter 63

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I was going to go straight to our base, but when I got there all I could do was stare at the entrance. I don't know how much time had passed, but I finally broke the ice holding my feet in place. I entered the base hearing talking. I paused and listened for a moment catching what I could. The other archer, the man who almost killed me, worked for my father. Great, just great. Is there anything else this world wants to throw at me? Felicity, said something about the Merlyn Global mainframe possibly having what we need to find the device. I stood there for a while listening as Felicity failed over and over on getting into the mainframe. The three were extremely frustrated, when Felicity failed again. It was virtually impossible to get into the mainframe without actually being at the mainframe.

"There has to be some other way we can find out where he's keeping this device." Diggle sighed.

"Unless I can Waltz up to Merlyn's mainframe and plug in my tablet directly, there's no way of getting that location." Felicity said.

"Then we waltz." I finally made my presence known. "I can get you direct access. I know most of Merlyn Gobals secrets. Like when the guards have lunch and their schedule, all you have to do is follow some instructions."

Everyone stared at me weird, mainly with concern.

"If someone asks me if I'm okay, I'm gonna stab you. Now are you with me or do I have to do this by myself?" Everyone nodded and I began explaining a plan.


Yao Fei held his hand up at Fyers as he aimed the gun at his daughter.

"Stop. I'll do it." Yao Fei gave in.

"I knew your good judgement could be counted on. Come along now. We need to get you back in uniform." Fyers said.

Yao Fei said a few words to his daughter, but I didn't hear them. The pain in my side was getting worse and I was starting to feel a little light headed. Yao Fei was dragged out of the tent. We all sat there hopelessly.


I entered Merlyn Global and went straight for the front desk.

"Hi. (Y/n) Merlyn. I have an 11:30 with Tommy Merlyn." I smiled at the worker.

As they were looking at my ID, Felicity came up in her BIlly Belly Burger disguise.

"I have a super deluxe Big Belly Buster for a Mr.Andrews. I think he's in security. He a good tipper?" She spoke.

"You can go on up, Miss.Merlyn." I walked away to the elevator.

As I waited for the elevator Felicity came to my side. She completed her first task. We both entered the elevator.

"Hold that." A distant voice called.

Felicity clicked the close door button a few times, but the man got to the elevator. He looked at me then Felicity.

"Where are you heading, sweetie?" The man asked Felicity.

"19th floor." She answered.

"Too bad, I'm going to 13." The man reached for the button, and I quickly knocked the papers out of his hand.

"Damn it." He left the elevator to collect his papers.

The doors closed and Felicity pressed the 24th button.

"Mr.Andrews got his lunch?" I asked, making sure Diggle's position was secure.

"One Belly Buster with benzodiazepine. Hold the mayo."

"The mainframe's on 25. This is as close as I can get you." Diggle's voice came through our earpieces.

I looked up seeing the maintenance door on the roof of the elevator. I pushed it open then pulled myself on top of the elevator. I reached my hand down to pull Felicity up. Once she was up, I opened my purse and pulled out a grappling hook. I stepped up on a support beam and reached my hand to Felicity. I helped her up on the beam. Below us was another elevator shaft, if we fell we'd surely die.

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