Chapter 55

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We all hovered around the monitor watching the news, on our newest target.

"Lawyers for John Nickel's spoke to the press today. They say they're pleased the DA declined to indict their client on charges stemming from the recent fire in one of Nickel's buildings." The news anchor spoke.

"John Nickel is one of the wealthiest real estate developers in Starling City. He's also one of the dirtiest. That building that burnt down last night. The wiring was not up to code." Oliver said.

"Maybe he didn't know that." Felicity pointed out.

"I guess he also didn't know about the seven people who have frozen to death in his other buildings over the past three years." I walked over to my equipment.

"Yeah he's a real man of the people." Diggle added.

"Not for long. The DA ignores this, and police can't do anything because all these slums are in the Glades. So tonight, Felicity, we cross Mr.Nickel's name off the list. You okay with that?" I said, looking towards Felicity.

Felicity was an asset to the team. She had a whole different view than us, and we needed that. She glanced over at the monitor before looking at me.

"One hundred percent."

Oliver and I suited up, and headed to pay Nickels a visit. The atmosphere felt off, when Oliver and I got there. We split up. Oliver entered from the second floor, and I entered from the first floor. I wasn't prepared for what I saw. The house was a mess, almost like there was some sort of altercation. I glanced around quickly noticing no sign of life, but something caught my eye. I walked closer to the object laying on the floor and picked it up. A knife. Something definitely happened. I looked over to Oliver hearing his soft footsteps. We both headed back with our little information. We explained what we could to Diggle and Felicity.

"What? He was just gone?" Felicity asked.

"No, not gone. Taken." Oliver corrected.

"Looks like Nickel was on somebody else's list too." Diggle added.

"After the fire last night, it's not entirely surprising. Felicity, we need you to get us everything that you can on Nickel." I looked over to Felicity. "Focus on his tenants, and anymore who might have filed a formal complaint against him or people that lost something in the fire."

"Well, it's going to be some list, I mean, slum lords aren't generally known for their popularity, plus..." She trailed off not finishing what she wanted to say.

"What?" I asked, generally curious on what she had to say.

"Nothing, it's just, you both went over there to be all, 'Grrr, stop being bad or we'll arrow you', and know you want to rescue him."

"We don't like the idea that somebody dangerous is out there." Felicity sent me a, 'you're one to talk' look.

"Somebody else, because typically they don't show our level of restraint." Oliver responded, grabbing the list.

"So you're going to cross Nickel off anyway?" Diggle asked.

"No, we're finding somebody else who needs a talking to." Oliver answered, opening the book.

"Wait, wait. You're both going back out there again? Why don't you two go home and be with your families?"

"That's when the working is done, Diggle." Oliver said, as Diggle looked my way and I nodded agreeing with Oliver.

"Okay, then I'll take you both out to dinner."

"I'm not hungry." I said.

"Me neither." Oliver was now face deep in the book.

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