Chapter 62

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This had to be some kind of sick joke. My life was already at rock bottom, now it somehow got worse. My father wasn't the best I can admit to that, but he isn't some maniac. I stood there in silence. Oliver didn't speak. I needed evidence. I couldn't just believe him. What if he was wrong?

"Do you have proof?" I asked Oliver, but Oliver's look told me he didn't. "Call me when you get proof. Until then, please, take me home."

"Okay." Oliver's voice was soft, almost a whisper.

He brought me back home without a word. He had to be wrong about my father. I don't know what I would do if he's right. I went straight to my room. I needed to be alone. My mind was a whirlwind. My dreams were plagued by my thoughts.


Our hands were bound behind our backs as Fyers led us into his camp. Yao Fei betrayed us. None of us said a word as we were pushed into a tent. Yao Fei stood there waiting and beside him was a man, I've never seen before. Oliver's reaction showed he knew the man.

"You." Oliver's voice was harsh as he moved forward, only to be stopped by one of the men escorting us.

"Save it. We don't have the luxury of indulging vendettas." Slade hissed, as Shodo was pushed in the tent.

"Ba." She said, looking at her father.

"Shado." Yao Fei's voice was unreadable.

"You led Fyers right to us, you coward." Slade's anger made his voice shake.

"Fyers was about to fire bomb the entire forest just to eliminate you. This way, you all have a chance."

"Well, pray I don't get the chance to repay your mercy."

"How fitting. Everyone reunited for the end." Fyer's entered the tent.

"The end of what? What is all this for?" Oliver questioned.

"HKIA, this is Ferris Air flight 637 out of Berlin non-stop to Hong Kong." A man on a radio began to speak and Fyers walked over to the radio. "We are steadily approaching at 33,000 feet with winds at 15 knots. ETA, two hours, 15 minutes, over."

"Ferris 637, this is HKIA. Adjust course to .6 degrees south. 11 minutes, over." The man sitting by Yao Fei spoke into the radio.

"Roger, HKIA. Why the course change?"

"Nothing to worry about, 637, just looking to make sure you avoid a little turbulence."

"Roger that. Adjusting course now."

"They're altering course, sir, the plane will be in range of Lian Yu in 26 minutes." The man operating the radio spoke to Fyers.

"Good. Keep tracking it." Fyers answered.

"That's a commercial airliner, Fyers. It's not like it can land here." Oliver butted in.

"It won't be landing anywhere, Mr.Queen. I'm going to destroy it." Fyers responded.


A few days went by before I heard anything from Oliver. Meet Diggle at the old warehouse by Big Belly Burger. He'll explain everything once you get there. I grabbed my helmet and keys. This had something to do with my dad, and I needed to know the truth. Once I got there Diggle walked up to me, wearing Oliver's hood. I raised an eyebrow at it.

"You want the long explanation or the short one?" He asked.

"Short." I just wanted to get this done and over with.

"Oliver and his mom are tied up inside. I'm gonna interrogate her. If you wanna watch you can, just stay up in the rafters."

"Got it."

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