Chapter 29

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Annabeth POV

My phone buzzing in my pocket woke me up from my sleep. Gods, I was exhausted today due to the sun, and I was simply standing around all day. 

I could only imagine the difficulties of the prisoners. 

The moon was shining brightly above us as I pulled out my phone. 

It was an unknown number. I immediately thought about ending the call. I was sure that WiCKeD and BlodgeHarm must've had an electronic detection system. 

However, the phone call might've been important. 

The call ended in my contemplation. I looked at Reyna who was sleeping. Honestly, I was supposed to be on guard first, but I fell asleep. 

Oops. As I said, I'm super tired after the day in the scorching sun. 

The phone started buzzing again. I walked a few feet away while still staying in the safety of our alleyway. It was very crowded with the trash boxes in the narrow pathway. 

"Hello," I whispered into the phone. 

"Hey, Wise Girl, I missed you so much," Percy replied quietly. 

Tears bristled my eyes as I took in his warm and comforting voice. I knew that he'd find me and reach out. Thankfully, he received my message. 

"Seaweed Brain," I acknowledged. 

I couldn't really say anything more at the current moment. 

"Wise Girl, please tell me that you're okay. Chiron said not to call you in case you'd get in trouble, but I couldn't wait. I had to tell you that we're a few hours away," Percy said. 

"I'm still disguised as a soldier. You won't believe what WiCKeD and BlodgeHarm have set up here. It's horrible," I informed quietly. 

"I know. Leo's been scanning the location with high-sky drones since we received your message. I wanted to leave immediately, but we had business to attend." 

"What've you been doing?" I asked curiously. 

"We stopped the bomb transport out of Italy, which was the other main transport point. We cut off the entire bomb supply," Percy explained. 

"That's amazing, but they still have a lot of bombs here," I said sadly. 

I was so glad that I was speaking with Percy. Just hearing his voice gave me strength and courage in this hellhole.  

"Yeah, we saw," Percy expressed. "Are you alone?" 

"Seaweed Brain, I actually have an ally. She's from MI6, and she's also been undercover way longer than we were," I told him. 

"That's good. Who is she?" Percy asked. 

I could hear the relief in his voice. While Percy knew that I could take care of myself, he still cared about and loved me. That's just who he was as my boyfriend. 

Percy wanted me to be safe, which came with help. 

"Her name's Reyna. She's strong and intelligent, and we've been working together to scope the area and signal Lake Valor and MI6," I said. 

"Both are on the way. Her name is Reyna Arellano," Percy said quietly. 

"Percy, how do you know her last name? I didn't tell you," I asked in slight confusion. 

"Jason and Reyna (during an undercover mission a while back) used to have a fling, Wise Girl. You could imagine why they would have a short relationship," Percy said. 

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