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Percy POV

My footsteps pounded against the floor as I ran. I was running for my life. Each stride forced more blood to pump out of the stab wound on my stomach.

Gunshots fired around me as I turned another corner.

I clutched my stomach tightly as pain barrelled through my body. I didn't know how much longer I could keep running.

Damn, I couldn't even find an exit to escape from.

Adrenaline was the only thing that was driving my body right now. Adrenaline, and the deep desire to see the people I loved again. To see Annabeth again and to tell her that I love her.

Suddenly, a large explosion rocked the building.

I fell back against the concrete wall. Pain exploded into my abdomen as I groaned.

I didn't have time to think as I quickly rolled to the side. The bullets passed inches away from my head. Shit.

The mission started well but went horribly wrong so quickly. Half of my team was dead, and the other half were traitors. I couldn't trust anyone but myself right now.

A punch came to my head as soon as I stood up.

I fell back a few steps before turning to face Luke Castellan.

He was a colleague and friend. We trained together at Lake Valor, where we both worked as secret agents. If only I knew that he was a double agent for BlodgeHarm, I would've never trusted him.

My arm blocked his next punch as I spun forward. My knee struck him hard in his stomach. He staggered back and roughly fell on the floor.

I continued to run down the hallway.

I felt so betrayed. Lake Valor was a good organization that ran missions to counteract terrorism and crime. Yet, there was a network of traitors and spies that no one knew about. An evil conspiracy was brewing in the shadows of Lake Valor.

It made me so angry that a place dedicated to saving the world was poisoned.

My body came to a sudden stop as BlodgeHarm soldiers barged in through the door in front of me. All their guns were aimed at my head.

I looked behind me to see Luke, Ethan, and a few other soldiers walked towards me with guns pointed.

Some of them wore wicked smiles on their faces.

My hand tightened around my stomach as I swallowed the pain and hopelessness. If there was one thing I learned at my training at Lake Valor, it was to never lose strength even when the enemy was seconds away from blowing your head to bits.

"It's the end of the road, Jackson," Luke said dangerously.

"How could any of you turn against Lake Valor?" I spat at Luke and Ethan.

I felt a gun click against the back of my head. The cold metal pressed into the base of my skull and pain vibrated into my brain.

"Please, stop talking, Percy," Silena's voice spoke.

"Silena, how could you betray Lake Valor? This isn't you," I said in agony. I swallowed the lump of emotion in my throat.

"You have no idea, Percy," Silena spoke.

She pressed the gun further into my head as they commanded me to move. The BlodgeHarm soldiers had their guns pointed at me. I walked slowly as my body shook in weakness. I wanted to crumble from the pain in my abdomen, but I couldn't.

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